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 post-neuter green, runny poop.

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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 2:39 pm

Hi all,

I'm hoping some of our member vet techs or medical/nutrition savvy memvers can chime in.

Link was neutered on Monday and came home yesterday. He has pooped only 3 times since, the first was very small, roundish brown and firm, but the other two have been green and runny. He has never had green poop before or bad diarrhea for that matter other than a very short lived, mild case when he was fighting off Giardia.

He is now otherwise great both physically and temperamentally.

For reference, he was fed random, unknown kibble during his stay at the vet and he has been on an all raw diet for 3 months now, so that may be relevant.

Thanks for your replies.
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Female Join date : 2011-07-01
Location : Denver, CO

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 4:11 pm

I'm by no means an expert so hopefully someone who is will chime in, but I'd bet money it was the kibble he was eating while there. If he's used to raw and then was given kibble cold turkey (especially the stuff they're likely to have at the vet), it's going to give him some GI issues. I'd give it a day or two to see how he does back on the raw, and maybe give him a little pumpkin in the meantime.

Shadow's Blog

Canine Hydrocephalus Support on Facebook

"Being the parent of a special-needs pet means living your life constantly poised on the edge of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you become a fierce defender of the ways in which your little one is perfectly ordinary — all the things he or she can do that are just like what everybody else does. And yet, you never lose sight of how absolutely extraordinary that very ordinariness is, how difficult, remarkable and rewarding that fight to be 'just like everybody else' has been."  -Gwen Cooper, "Homer's Odyssey"

Shadow - 03/01/2013 - 10/02/2014

post-neuter green, runny poop.  85ced801-eef9-49ab-a499-d82fe0067cd7_zps64d8039a
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 4:17 pm

The bland diet of hard boiled egg (including shell) and pumpkin cleared up Dizzy's diarrhea in about 24 hours. Then I was able to start mixing his food back in. Still in transition from bland diet back to food, but so far so good.
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 4:21 pm

Thanks, that's what I'm hoping it was just the kibble. It was likely some form of Purina. We have been giving him just raw chicken and sweet potato since to try and kick it. I'm more worried about it being green than runny though...
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 4:22 pm

how green is it? like brownish green or scary green?
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Female Join date : 2013-06-17
Location : Maine

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 4:23 pm

I'm also no expert in this area. If you aren't sure if its the food, did they send you home with any medicine? When both my got done, they had to take pills for like 2 or 3 days, maybe thats what changing the color of his poop and not agreeing with him?
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 4:24 pm

Ha, hunter, army green.
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 4:25 pm

Yep, 3 days of a dog ibuprofin type drug.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 4:31 pm

Is he on antibiotics? I think they can cause that sometimes. I'm sure once he gets the science diet out of his system he'll be fine though. Smile
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 4:33 pm

Thanks Jen. No antibiotics just pain relief.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-17
Location : Maine

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 4:35 pm

Yeah, my money is on the food cause I doubt that medicine would do anything. Do you know why they fed him anything? That seems a little odd to me. I know all vets are different but my two couldn't eat before or after the surgery.
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 4:38 pm

Well he was there 24 hours and they said they offer food but more often than not it is rejected, but Link ate his.
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 4:40 pm

He's also had terrible gas since....uck
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Female Join date : 2013-06-17
Location : Maine

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 4:41 pm

oh okay, that makes sense then. My vet got mine out of there as soon as they could because of all the husky howls, I don't think I could of paid to keep them there for 24 hours. hahaha. I say in about two days or so he should be good a new once you have him on a good diet again! Especially since he has smelly gas, I wouldn't worry.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 4:47 pm

Ha! Link was probably like, OMG a bowl full of TREATS!
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 4:49 pm

Aww, my lil buddy. Yep!
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 5:26 pm

Crap, I just got a text from my partner who's home with Link today. He said there is a green discharge coming out of his penis. We are taking him in at 3 today. I'm at work and I just had a panic attack........
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 5:39 pm

Oh boy. Hopefully its something simple and not serious. Please let us know what happens!
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 6:48 pm

Will do Jen.  I just got home.  Link seems great and he was so excited to see me. I stooped down and he nuzzled under me and turned on his back and was wooing and now he's playful Smile

Incisions look great.  Apparently the green discharge was a brighter green, like crayon green.  And Patrick didn't actually see it in liquid form but it was a crust at the tip of his urethra , so it had been discharging earlier.  

Good news so far though, he had a normal poop, brown and firm, around 1 this afternoon so the vet's kibble seems to be out of his system by now, phew.  

Appointment about the green crust in a bit and I'll be in touch.

Thanks as well to Meredith and Erica for your feedback, much appreciated.
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Female Join date : 2011-07-01
Location : Denver, CO

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 7:52 pm

You're welcome Smile

I hope the discharge is nothing serious!

Shadow's Blog

Canine Hydrocephalus Support on Facebook

"Being the parent of a special-needs pet means living your life constantly poised on the edge of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you become a fierce defender of the ways in which your little one is perfectly ordinary — all the things he or she can do that are just like what everybody else does. And yet, you never lose sight of how absolutely extraordinary that very ordinariness is, how difficult, remarkable and rewarding that fight to be 'just like everybody else' has been."  -Gwen Cooper, "Homer's Odyssey"

Shadow - 03/01/2013 - 10/02/2014

post-neuter green, runny poop.  85ced801-eef9-49ab-a499-d82fe0067cd7_zps64d8039a
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Female Join date : 2011-08-07
Location : Michigan

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 8:05 pm

Throw some bone meal powder on the chicken - remove the sweet potato. It will stop Smile
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 8:49 pm

We went to the vet and had to see another dr. because our normal one was out today.

Regarding the green, runny poop that has now cleared up as of this afternoon, he said that he is not surprised to hear this considering that Link ate the kibble after surgery and that it was normal for it to do a number on his GI tract given that we have him on a raw diet, all of this of course compounded with the stress of surgery, being away from home for 24 hours, the cone.....whatnot.

He checked his temperature, heart rate, lungs, and the incisions and all looks good.

As for the green discharge, it was one of those moments with doctors that we all have where it's like "weeeeeell, we can't really know nor can we ever really know and the chances of finding out for sure and it being a gigantic disappointment given how much money it would take are really good, so keep an eye on it and it should take care of itself."

He said in all likelihood it was some sort of minor infection that got caught up in the system of urethra, vas deferens ...etc. and that it was purging out on its own. Given the infrequency of it (we've only seen it this once so far), the small amount, the lack of pain or discomfort, and the otherwise good looking signs that all is well, he was not concerned about it being serious or further problematic and that there would be no need to start an antibiotic at this time.

He said with an neuter/spay some amount of discharge from either the urethra or incision site is common and that it should be monitored for increased severity, change in color, odor, or any correlating issues.

Link was SO TALKATIVE in the office, wow. I had to sit on the floor and lean back with Link belly up on top of me for the exam and he was talking and wooing and making his chimpanzee noises right in my ear while licking my face for good measure. My ears are ringing, still! He was very unamused with Dr. Fill In's exam Smile

He basically said keep on keepin' on and that things look good and to of course just keep an eye out for more discharge.

At one point he said, "man, this little guy is such a Husky, what a talker. What they say is true." Link was his first Husky puppy Wink


Link weighed in at 32 pounds and roughly 18 inches at the shoulder.

Now I need my own ibuprofin....

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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 8:54 pm

mheath0429 wrote:
Throw some bone meal powder on the chicken - remove the sweet potato. It will stop Smile

Is that just ground up bone Megan? We have him on his normal diet again with bone in it and he has had a good amount of rib bones to chew on that he ingests some of. Looks like it's working so far as for his poop.

The sweet potato is dehydrated and hard like you think we should nix it for now, even though it is a source of fiber?
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Female Join date : 2011-08-07
Location : Michigan

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 9:10 pm

You don't really need sweet potato to firm his stool is the diarrhea is a reaction to anesthesia or sudden change of food. You just need to reset him. I usually fast for a day and give a largely muscle based meal with bone meal on top the next day.

Yes, it is bone powder. I use KAL, Inc. Bone meal. It's the best and it was recommended to me by a holistic vet and is showcased in a book by Dr. Pitcairn.
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

post-neuter green, runny poop.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: post-neuter green, runny poop.    post-neuter green, runny poop.  EmptyWed Jun 19, 2013 9:13 pm

Perfect, thanks for the info. Shouldn't be hard to find here in Seattle.
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