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 Stress? bladder control?

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Join date : 2011-04-18

Stress? bladder control? Empty
PostSubject: Stress? bladder control?   Stress? bladder control? EmptyMon Apr 25, 2011 2:45 pm

I recently adopted a unaltered female 7 months. Since she is new to our pack (have a 1.5 year that was our friends) It's been about two days so far. I don't she was housetrained very well. We are working on that. She is also still trying to figure out her place in the pack. We she goes downstairs there is a trail of pee it only happens when she comes downstairs even when she just peed outside. She does have diarrhea because she is getting use to dog food. (last owners feed table food) I am getting kinda worried because we went to the dog park there was only two dogs and one other woman out there. After we started talking she said her 12 week old has something i forgot what she said but has diarrhea and can't hold in her pee it's might have been a virus or something. So i'm just worried that she may have caught it. I'm banging my head against the wall because forgot the name of what she had. I'll wait until friday to see if it lessens to see if it's stress or not. Her pee is clear and looks normal to me right now and doesn't seem to be in any pain when she goes. I found it odd it's only when she goes downstairs.
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Resident Nutritional Bookworm

Female Join date : 2009-06-23
Location : Huntsville, AL

Stress? bladder control? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stress? bladder control?   Stress? bladder control? EmptyMon Apr 25, 2011 3:37 pm

That is odd that it's only when going downstairs. Is it every time she goes down the stairs or only sometimes? Does she seem to be afraid of going down that stairs so that it could be a fearful pee or something? Is she drinking an excess amount of water?

Regardless, I would take her to a vet if you haven't already done so to have a wellness exam and get her scheduled for a spay.

If you've already taken her to your vet and she was given an all clear then I would at least call them back and ask about the current peeing situation to see what they think and if they think it would be advisable to bring her in to be checked out. Is she current on vaccines also?

Stress? bladder control? Summer10
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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

Stress? bladder control? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stress? bladder control?   Stress? bladder control? EmptyMon Apr 25, 2011 3:47 pm

You've only had her for 2 days? If so, the peeing and diarreha could be from stress. She's brought into a new environment, with another dog, and her food has been completely changed. Those are 3 big changes to a young pup all at once. Have you gotten a wellness check by a vet yet? Or do you have her vet records, or can you call her previous vet and check? Give her time to settle in. Sometimes is takes a few months for dogs to be completely settled into their new environment. If the diarreha doesn't get better in a couple of days, see if you can put her back on table food of eggs and green beans or carrots and see if she firms up. If she doesn't and you don't have access to her previous medical records, you may want to make a call to your vet.

Stress? bladder control? 41765413
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Join date : 2011-04-18

Stress? bladder control? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stress? bladder control?   Stress? bladder control? EmptyWed Apr 27, 2011 10:49 pm

Okay I do think it was stress. She is doing alot better! I think she was holding it in and when she would go downstairs it just was alot for her.. I think all is good but she does have a appt for a spay I'll ask the vet if everything looks fine. On the bright side she seems to be gaining some weight or muscle.
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