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 frustrated with training in general

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Female Join date : 2012-11-05

training - frustrated with training in general Empty
PostSubject: frustrated with training in general   training - frustrated with training in general EmptyTue Jan 29, 2013 12:06 am

im really glad i found this forum because ive already gotten loads of good advice so far. its only Monday and im having a pull-my-hair-out kind of start to this week. I thought our pottytraining was going SUPER but then she had an accident tonight in the kitchen. Kiba's been getting stalkerish towards our cat and showed signs of agression when i gave her a new bone and the cat simply walked past it. she's lately started humping her dog bed (embarassing), she pulled hardcore on our walk and pretty much drove me bananas. pulled all the stufffing out of her toy. Sad

all that being said i know im far from perfect because im new at having a puppy ...but I try to educate myself so that I can give it my best shot and raise my puppy to be a wonderful companion. Has anyone ever felt this frustrated when their husky was a pup? Any good book suggestions that could help or ideas?

She's a great dog and i love her. I hate that im so irritated about all this right now
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Female Join date : 2012-09-24
Location : Niagara Falls, NY

training - frustrated with training in general Empty
PostSubject: Re: frustrated with training in general   training - frustrated with training in general EmptyTue Jan 29, 2013 12:14 am

We all have those frustrating days. I've had quite a few. Training a puppy is never easy. Lucian food guards, and I have a 3 yr old daughter, so I know your frustration. Hang in there!
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Female Join date : 2012-06-07
Location : Cheyenne, Wyoming

training - frustrated with training in general Empty
PostSubject: Re: frustrated with training in general   training - frustrated with training in general EmptyTue Jan 29, 2013 3:02 am

YES YES and YES!! We really do all have those days. One week it feels like you are making serious progress and your so proud of your pup. The next week you wonder who replaced your dog with an untrained pup and just want to cry/scream/yell/throw things etc. Just stick with it. You will gain more confidence and your pup will learn it all with time. Just take a "mommy time-out" now and then when things are difficult. It gets better. I promise!
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Female Join date : 2012-08-24
Location : South Lake Tahoe, CA

training - frustrated with training in general Empty
PostSubject: Re: frustrated with training in general   training - frustrated with training in general EmptyTue Jan 29, 2013 3:21 am

Totally been there! I still have frustrating days like that with Maya, even at 9.5 months now. To add to the training difficulties, she's got Chow Chow in her... one stubborn, independant breed meets another stubborn, independent breed! As far as the potty training goes, accidents can and will happen just when you think things have been going great! Maya still has accidents from time to time (but seriously, don't worry; I promise they will become less frequent with time!) The worst for me is when I bring Maya over to a friend's house, particularly a place she has never been before... she always seems to sneak off when I'm not looking and take a poop on the floor! How embarrassing!!
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Female Join date : 2012-01-29
Location : Broken Arrow, OK

training - frustrated with training in general Empty
PostSubject: Re: frustrated with training in general   training - frustrated with training in general EmptyTue Jan 29, 2013 4:59 am

What training a puppy is hard ?? I have grown dogs that are over 2 1/2 and we still have bad days.
We don't have potty training problems but we still have other problems. Except for the wake up call at 2:30am in the morning once in a while needing to go out then can not wait until morning.

Pulling is still a problem with Kerian. Blaze is a dream to walk he really does not pull any more not sure how that happen. lol!

I am sure things will get better just stick with it.
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Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : Texas

training - frustrated with training in general Empty
PostSubject: Re: frustrated with training in general   training - frustrated with training in general EmptyTue Jan 29, 2013 12:54 pm

Oh, yes. Kavik is one big 'issue' who likes to drive me insane, but I still love him. He wen't three days without an accident inside ,then for the next four he decided to pee everywhere. training - frustrated with training in general 1625187496

You'll make it, he'll get much better as he grows, but there will always be those moments. Wink
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Male Join date : 2012-04-18
Location : New England

training - frustrated with training in general Empty
PostSubject: Re: frustrated with training in general   training - frustrated with training in general EmptyTue Jan 29, 2013 1:40 pm

Our puppy just turned a year at the beginning of the month. I feel your pain! We went through exactly the same things that you are going through right now! It does get better! Just be consistent and don't be too hard on yourself for thinking you aren't doing something right.
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Male Join date : 2012-09-12
Location : Romulus, MI

training - frustrated with training in general Empty
PostSubject: Re: frustrated with training in general   training - frustrated with training in general EmptyTue Jan 29, 2013 6:44 pm

Our "puppy" is 13 months old and we still have those days. The day before class he will master his "park its" and distance sits and downs, the next day we go to training class and its like he doesn't know the command, while yelling at us (which everyone in the class finds funny) for giving him the command. I just KCCO(keep calm chive on) and know that these are his rebellion days. He has far less rebellion days than normal or good days so its ok, as in about 1 a week on average.
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Female Join date : 2011-08-25
Location : Santa Cruz, California

training - frustrated with training in general Empty
PostSubject: Re: frustrated with training in general   training - frustrated with training in general EmptyTue Jan 29, 2013 6:54 pm

Kale still frustrates me on a daily bases! haha I've been taking him to my Bf's aunt house, while she's been living in a nursing home (now permanent) and we might be able to move there in a few months. He's been a royal pain in the ass when we first get there; he's still learning that the same rules at home apply there as well. It'll take months and months for him to adjust to the new smells, new routine, and my boyfriend and our future roommate. He does very well considering. He just constantly looks for things to eat... little bugger. lol

It's easy to get overly frustrated quickly and lash out; what I have learned through my beliefs and from experience with Kale over the years, is that taking a few deep, long breathes, closing my eyes, and centering myself, really helps me think more rationally about the situation and helps me handle and discipline according, without the anger and negative vibes. Very Happy
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Female Join date : 2012-11-05

training - frustrated with training in general Empty
PostSubject: Re: frustrated with training in general   training - frustrated with training in general EmptyTue Jan 29, 2013 7:19 pm

well its definitely doesnt seem uncommon for adult dogs or puppies to have accidents in a new place. My best friend has a lab who's a year old and started peeing in their new house. And we took Kiba to a friends house for a playdate with a golden doodle and she took a giant poo in front of their bedroom. My fault for not watching her but totally embarassing. She hasnt pooed in our house in a month but she'll have a pee accident about 2x a week or so.
I honestly just feel relieved reading what everyone wrote. Helps me realize its not abnormal and we can get through the bad days
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Female Join date : 2011-08-25
Location : Santa Cruz, California

training - frustrated with training in general Empty
PostSubject: Re: frustrated with training in general   training - frustrated with training in general EmptyTue Jan 29, 2013 7:28 pm

Thankfully Kale does pee or poop there, he just acts like a nut and tries to get away with things he knows are not cool at home haha You are definitely not alone! Wink
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Join date : 2012-08-23

training - frustrated with training in general Empty
PostSubject: Re: frustrated with training in general   training - frustrated with training in general EmptyTue Jan 29, 2013 7:35 pm

Definitely taking a step back and just putting everything into context. I always think to myself, "Okay, she has absolutely no idea what I'm saying and she barely knows what I want her to do. I'm frustrated because...?"

I also go into everything with my dogs having a VERY forward looking prospective. On a day to day basis, I may notice no adherence to training, a little improvement or a little regression, but on a longer scale I know that consistency is going to yield results.

The joys of husky life, right?
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