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 Current puppy jealous of new older dog?

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Female Join date : 2016-02-18
Location : central valley, california

Current puppy jealous of new older dog? Empty
PostSubject: Current puppy jealous of new older dog?   Current puppy jealous of new older dog? EmptyTue Feb 23, 2016 11:08 am

OK, so we've been planning on adopting a "sibling" for my 1 year old spayed female Abby, and like 2 days ago a rare opportunity arose for us to adopt (what we thought) was another 1 year old husky, spayed, chipped and vaccinated, complete with a paper trail of her life.
Turns out she's about 3-4, and half German Shepard. (Not a huge issue on either, just wasn't what we were expecting.)
Anyway to get to the point, Abby (pup) is either following her around, or getting in her face, or trying to goad her into playing. We've been letting Bella (new dog, not our name choice, but she needed at least some consistency) reprimand her if Abby gets in her face, we figure she needs to learn to give her space, but whenever Bella comes to us and we're giving her attention, Abby gets jealous and starts "complaining" and being (pardon my language) a little ass.
We're sticking to our normal routine, giving Abby extra attention, while still giving Bella attention, I'm trying to discourage Abby's jealous behavior, just want to see if there's anything else I can do. I know it will take at least a few weeks if not longer for Bella to feel at home, especially since she came from another family and not a shelter, I just want to make sure both of them feel loved and will get along long term, it was hard to Google since most situations involve the current dog being older lol. Oh both girls are spayed, but Bella keeps "dominating" Abby if you catch my drift, will that cease with time too?
Sorry so long, and thanks!
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Current puppy jealous of new older dog? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Current puppy jealous of new older dog?   Current puppy jealous of new older dog? EmptyTue Feb 23, 2016 11:54 am

My two are jealous brats too. You can't pet my husky without my shepherd mix barging in the middle of it. It might not necessarily get "better" but you will learn to navigate it better and so will they. Making sure they each get pets and also alone time with you will help them to settle and help the jealousy to not escalate. Making sure that they each have their space away from the other helps also. Teaching sit and stay can help you dish out the pets with less chaos. Teach them both to go into it and give loving one at a time for being in the position and holding it. Aw, patience. As with the dominating, I don't let it happen. It is how they try to set their pecking order but I prefer to set the pecking order in my house so if anyone looked like they were going to mount I would correct it immediately. My girl is very dominant though and if my shepherd mix had tried to mount her she would have ate him so it was more to keep the peace on my part, but I also didn't want my old dog to feel like the new dog was taking over her life.

Current puppy jealous of new older dog? Huskyf10
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Current puppy jealous of new older dog? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Current puppy jealous of new older dog?   Current puppy jealous of new older dog? EmptyTue Feb 23, 2016 12:07 pm

Jenn gave good advice, there's not a lot I can add except to stress the "alone time" with each of them, it's very important. I still will give my two their one on one time with me periodically, either with seperate walks or maybe a trip to the pet store. With playing, it's a bit more difficult as if I'm playing with one outside and the other is in the house, it drives the one in the house crazy to know that the one is playing without them (yeah, my girl is that one) so I prefer seperate walks, like to the mountain for example where each has some genuine quality time just one on one with me.
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Female Join date : 2016-02-18
Location : central valley, california

Current puppy jealous of new older dog? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Current puppy jealous of new older dog?   Current puppy jealous of new older dog? EmptyTue Feb 23, 2016 12:51 pm

Separate walks sounds very doable, seperate play time would definitely drive Abby nuts. We walk my daughter to and from the bus stop every day so maybe walking one in the morning and one in the afternoon would help. I think the routine would be good too, walking the same route at the same time. They can both sit but they're not so great with sit and stay, definitely going to work on that one.
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Current puppy jealous of new older dog? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Current puppy jealous of new older dog?   Current puppy jealous of new older dog? EmptyTue Feb 23, 2016 1:21 pm

That sounds great.

Everything is still so new to each of them too, I foresee it calming down a lot as time goes on. Congratulations on your new addition Smile I think the two of them will be the best of buds.
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Current puppy jealous of new older dog? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Current puppy jealous of new older dog?   Current puppy jealous of new older dog? EmptyTue Feb 23, 2016 10:17 pm

We have similar issues when my son's dog, archer is visiting. Archer is the original budger, always putting himself between Ami and us. Then Ami stand there and gives him "sass" other than doing as Jenn suggests, nothing really stops the budging, we just have to make sure Ami gets his special times. Usually, it means one of us occupying archer while the other gives Ami his due.
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Mark Grubbs
Mark Grubbs

Male Join date : 2016-01-10
Location : Long Island, NY

Current puppy jealous of new older dog? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Current puppy jealous of new older dog?   Current puppy jealous of new older dog? EmptyThu Mar 03, 2016 2:59 am

Zhukov (Husky) who is 5 months old, and Colby (Mini-Schnauzer) who is 4 years old, have developed a very interesting relationship. We have had Zhukov for about 3 months now, and he is not very possessive of toys and such, however, Colby has always been a bit of a greedy prick. Even if he does not want the toy, he will take the toy and hide it under my desk, which is his safe zone. He goes there when he does not want to be bothered and strangely, Zhukov leaves him alone while he is there. At least every other day, I have to clean out all the toys beneath my desk and redistribute them throughout the house.

When we do play time, they both compete for my attention, trying to put themselves between me and the other dog. Usually Zhukov wins since he outweighs Colby, so I try to give Colby some one on one time. They play nice together for the most part. Zhukov could care less about chasing a stupid ball and is more than happy to chase Colby while Colby chases the ball.

The only time there is any trouble is when it is feeding time. Zhukov is a chowhound. He will gobble his food down like it is the first time he has eaten in a month, lick his bowl clean, and look for more. Colby, on the other hand, is a very picky eater and saves his food, even pushing his bowl around the room to try to hide it. If Zhukov goes near Colby's food though.... Oooh watch out! Hence, we feed Zhukov in his crate (the only time he will willingly enter it) and try to feed Colby while Zhukov is eating.
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Current puppy jealous of new older dog? Empty
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