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 showing teeth is it aggression

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Female Join date : 2014-10-09
Location : Bear Delaware

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyThu Dec 18, 2014 6:33 pm

I may of posted this but I'm really not sure and cannot find it. So bandit has been having some issues with showing teeth if I get in her face at random times. I usually slow everything down when she does, rub her belly and I guess maybe borderline coddle her so she knows she has nothing to be afraid of and it usually works. Maybe I shouldn't do that? Well she did again so I starting do the same thing. Rub her belly and what not but she kept showing them. So I pulled her over to me and got her right next to me and she kept grunting and groaning. Her teeth came out feirce looking so I gave her a gentle touch to the nose saying no. Seemed like she wanted to bite but knew she wasn't allowed. I figured now that when She started groaning and grunting I prob should of left her be but do you think this is aggression or tired? Or both? Once she had had enough she went to her home(crate) and just played down, stared at me for a while, wouldn't come when called. 10 mins and she is now sleeping. I think I was pushing too hard on her. Does this sound like I was wrong in this instance?
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Female Join date : 2014-10-09
Location : Bear Delaware

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyThu Dec 18, 2014 6:44 pm

Well she only slept for about 10mins now she is wide awake just looking around but just still laying in the crate and will not come out when called
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Female Join date : 2014-10-09
Location : Bear Delaware

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyThu Dec 18, 2014 7:53 pm

Now I'm worried, took her out to potty, she was fine. Forced through it and got her to relax and just rubbed her belly, pet her the usual. Gave her a carrot for calming down. After the carrot I couldn't even pet her without her teeth flinching. I'm wondering if I'm worrying about nothing. She went back in her crate. For some reason she doesn't want me around her at all which is really weird...
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyThu Dec 18, 2014 8:16 pm

Hi old is Bandit?
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Female Join date : 2014-10-09
Location : Bear Delaware

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyThu Dec 18, 2014 8:18 pm

6 months on the 23rd
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Female Join date : 2014-10-09
Location : Bear Delaware

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyThu Dec 18, 2014 8:18 pm

She's been sleeping now so I closed the door to the crate for done alone time
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyThu Dec 18, 2014 9:12 pm

Does she let you take her toys, chews, food, etc? She might just be tired and that's her "leave me alone" warning, but my oldest is a total diva and it started with the showing teeth when she was a pup and now I can't even take a bone away from her. I know it's partially our fault for not working through her issues. I tried hand feeding her for months and it worked a bit, but she never got nearly close to where she should be. She's 8 years old now so we've kinda of just let it be, but it's not all.

My 2 youngest have never showed teeth to my husband or I. Never. I don't have much advice to give other than, I don't think you should baby her when she does that. That's "rewarding" her behavior. Give her a stern no and walk away. I don't have much other advice to give,but i'm sure that somebody will jump in on this tomorrow Smile
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Male Join date : 2010-11-09
Location : Stuttgart, Germany

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 1:47 am

Showing teeth is on the one hand a normal sign of dog communication on the other hand it is aggression.
There could be many reasons. Take Bandit to the vet to check if there is something wrong. If not it seems like Bandit wants to set boundaries for you, then you gotta turn this around quickly.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 8:29 am

Is she spayed? She could be extra um, well bitchy because she's entering her first heat. What is the purpose for 'getting in her face?'
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Female Join date : 2014-10-09
Location : Bear Delaware

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 8:41 am

She was spayed last week. Well she likes it if you blow on her face cause she tries to eat the air and sometimes she's just in a snuggling mood and she'll just try to be as close to my face as possible. She likes the lick my hands and right in my face too. So if she's feeling off I'll rub her belly and kiss her nose. Well when I went to her face that's when it happened. I'll say I was probably too curious cause I kept doing it to see what the problem was and I think I was just passing her off. She was perfectly normal this morning. I bet she was just tired and didn't want to deal with anything. Does that happen? They want to lay in the crate and not be near anyone?
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 8:52 am

cosmothunder wrote:
Does that happen? They want to lay in the crate and not be near anyone?

Asia just goes to lay in her crate while the rest of us are hanging out at times. I'll go see what's up with her and she'll just wag her tail and give me a kiss, but stays in there. I let her be. She just really likes "home".
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 8:54 am

Well yeah sure, sometimes they want to be left alone just like we do. Last night Diz went and chewed his bone on his bed instead of in the main room on the rug like normal. He likes his bed. Smile You might want to get her checked out though, low energy and behavioral changes a week after an operation could mean an infection. Also, if you're rubbing her belly, you might be hurting her. I mean she just had some rather important organs removed and she might still be in pain.
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Female Join date : 2014-10-09
Location : Bear Delaware

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 9:45 am

Yeah I never thought of that, like I do it very lightly cause she keeps trying to lick there ya know. Like it's itchy from hair growing but I will leave her be. I usually get worked up and over worried when she acts weird.
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Female Join date : 2014-10-09
Location : Bear Delaware

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 9:45 am

Yeah I never thought of that, like I do it very lightly cause she keeps trying to lick there ya know. Like it's itchy from hair growing but I will leave her be. I usually get worked up and over worried when she acts weird.
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 10:21 am

cosmothunder wrote:
Y I usually get worked up and over worried when she acts weird.

Been there, done that.  Probably will continue to do it lol!

I am really sane and level-headed when it comes to my human children, but my dog?  My fur baby?  My sweet pea, love of my life bouncing boy?  I become a hypochondriacal worry wort at every slight change of behavior Rolling Eyes
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Female Join date : 2014-10-09
Location : Bear Delaware

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 5:24 pm

She is back to normal today. I'm trying to understand she needs space. I thought I should be able to do whatever whenever I want and she would accept it and not care but I guess not.
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 6:00 pm

Naw, Tony, in some ways our dogs are a lot like us - give me a good workout and then it's leave me alone, at least for a while.
And you'll find that there are things she'll do almost anything for; some dogs it's a belly rub, for some it's that special treat, for some it's just a chance to have one on one time with you and sometimes it's I'm tired, leave me alone for a bit.

showing teeth is it aggression  S-event    showing teeth is it aggression  S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Female Join date : 2014-10-09
Location : Bear Delaware

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PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 6:03 pm

Yes, for bandit it is when she is eating I have given up on that. She's fine if I hold the bowl from the start, hand feed or take it away but if I get close and just hang out she gets scared for some reason. Apparently now chewing. I can't get close to her face without teeth coming out. I can take away no problem but I guess those are her two things she just wants to be alone for.
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Female Join date : 2014-10-09
Location : Bear Delaware

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 6:44 pm

Ugh I feel like she is setting me up. She wants her belly rubbed, rolls over and spreads legs. Then she licks my hand so I go in for her to get my face and boom teeth like you wouldn't believe. So of course in my mind I stay until they go away. Thinking that if I stay she will see there is nothing to be afraid of... What am I doing wrong!? Ahhh I'm so confused
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Female Join date : 2014-10-09
Location : Bear Delaware

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 6:53 pm

Okay so hmmmm she went and Sat in the crate for like a few mins. Then on the other couch and starred at me for like a min now she is in my lap? Maybe I really am overwhelming her? Maybe she is still mad about being spayed? Maybe she is mad at me whenever I leave for work and put her in the crate she is wearing the cone of shame? Maybe She is still hurting? Ugh this dog I swear! Got me freaking out all the time
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Join date : 2014-01-02

showing teeth is it aggression  Empty
PostSubject: Re: showing teeth is it aggression    showing teeth is it aggression  EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 9:22 pm

Never punish a dog for growling. If they lose their growl, the teeth are the next kind of warning they have. Licking can be a pleading gesture. It sounds like she is still very stressed after surgery and is in need of space. Have her checked out by a vet to be sure its nothing medical, and then look around for a behavioral trainer.

In the mean time get a tasty treat ready for when she is laying down and without making eye contact or directly approaching her, walk past and drop a treat... slowly this will translate to "Mom comes near me and I get awesome foods."

You can also kneel down about four feet away and pet her if she comes to you (dont call her over). This gives her the space to come to you or if she is feeling off, to move away. If she tenses, drop your hands and remove eye contact, until she seeks the attention.
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