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 Hind Leg Injury

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Male Join date : 2012-08-27

Hind Leg Injury Empty
PostSubject: Hind Leg Injury   Hind Leg Injury EmptyThu Sep 12, 2013 3:05 am

Logan injured himself three days ago, he got a bit excited ran in into our living room jumped on the sofa and jumped off again to run out as he knows he is not allowed in there. As he jumped off he slipped and landed on his left side on our coffee table.

I am working overseas so have not seen him, he has been to the vet and is on some anti inflammatory tablets & rest. the vet was concerned it could be his cruciate ligament but could also be as minor as bruising or a strain.

he is weight bearing 90% but kind of flicking his leg outwards if he increases to a brisk walk. He has no problem sitting and is stretching in morning like always and is not in pain.

has anyone here experienced cruciate tear and are there any real indicators, he will go in for an assessment today and we will possibly arrange an X-ray depending on the outcome and how he is improved.

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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

Hind Leg Injury Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hind Leg Injury   Hind Leg Injury EmptyThu Sep 12, 2013 8:48 am

My puppy had something similar a few weeks back. I went ahead and went for the xrays and he was totally fine. I was so nervous it was something like the cruciate or god forbid his hips. He tried to jump over a dog and did this weird spin move and landed weird one day at the dog park. Everything was perfect on the xrays and it was just a muscle strain. But, I would absolutely do the xrays again, just for the peace of mind, but that's just me. I'm a worry wort when it comes to Dizzy. I think its probably not necessary to do xrays unless you want to though. I would wait and see.
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Maverick's mom

Join date : 2013-04-23

Hind Leg Injury Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hind Leg Injury   Hind Leg Injury EmptySun Sep 15, 2013 2:58 pm

Our 6 yr old sibe ruptured his anterior cruciate ligament in May requiring surgery. Vet determined it by moving the joint around, called a "draw". It was one of the first nice days here in Chicago so he was overly excited to be outside. After about 15 min of chasing balls, I threw one last ball before heading home and as he chased it, he either turned wrong or his foot went into a hole and tripped him. He let out a strange yelp, not really one sounding like pain, and went down. When getting up, he would not put any weight whatsoever on this hind leg. Surgery was done and almost 4 months later and we're still faithfully doing his therapy at home, which from what I've been told and researched, is extremely important for recovery. I won't go into some helpful tips I found on-line about preparing your house for his rehab since it's not determined may be wrong. I hope you get goods news on your pup!
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Male Join date : 2012-08-27

Hind Leg Injury Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hind Leg Injury   Hind Leg Injury EmptyFri Sep 27, 2013 5:20 pm

Sorry for the delay, Logan recovered well after a few days rest and the anti-inflammatory tablets. thankfully is was nothing more serious.
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