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Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Prior owner dragging feet on giving me prior medical info.

Replies: 21
Views: 1767

Search in: General Discussions   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Prior owner dragging feet on giving me prior medical info.    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyTue May 30, 2023 1:49 am
If you have a rabies tag call the vet listed on the tag then give them the number and they can look up the records. It the #1 way people find the owners of lost dogs here
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Please help...

Replies: 8
Views: 2156

Search in: Training   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Please help...    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyFri Jul 29, 2022 9:07 pm
I have had my husky for about two weeks now. He is now about 72 days old. I will list some things that I have been trying with him but nothing seems to work. I have scoured the internet and youtube and those people that I watch or read about seem to be dog whisperers because I try the same thing that they do and it yields disaster.

When I first got him, I took him outside and he went potty very well. Then I would bring him inside and everything was fine. Whenever he'd sniff the floor and start walking around and seeming to look for a hiding place, I jumped up and grabbed his harness and leash.

Let me get the bad part out of the way first. My wife and I both work and leave and come home around the same time. There is no one who can come by to take him outside to do his business. We also cannot come home let him out. Sometimes we come home to one pee and maybe two poops. Sometimes two pees and one poop. Sometimes multiple of both.

When I do see him sniffing or walking around or trying to be stealthy, I jump up and get him in his harness and leash and take him out. I have him on a short leash, per a friend's recommendation, keeping him on one side of me at all times. He sniffs around and keeps on going. He sniffs all over the place, leading me in all directions. I am outside for quite a while and he doesn't go potty.

Sometimes he will just sit or lie down in the grass and just start relaxing I guess. So, I lead him back to the condo and moments later, he will do his business then. It's frustrating to say the least. I know it is because he has gotten accustomed to going inside because we are gone for a long time as the wife and I are working, but how do you train him to go potty outside when #1, we are not here, and #2, he just won't go outside when we are here.

I was going to ask a few more training questions but don't want to make this post too long to where no one reads it. I am going out of my mind. I have ALWAYS wanted a husky and after about 35 years, I finally got one and I am ecstatic to have one as a member of the family. I love him dearly, but, sadly, I have been having thoughts of giving him up. It's that frustrating. I don't want to give him up, though. I want to keep him.

Just a few notes. I do NOT yell at him. I do NOT rub his nose in his business. I do NOT hit him. I do NOT scold him except for a firm NO when he nips or when he chews things he shouldn't. I talk to him all the time and pick him up and love him. I brush him. I pet him all the time. I play with him, and so does the son and wife.

I just don't know what to do. I am at my wits end. The wife said everything will be ok. She had a dog before. This is my second, although I was a young kid the first time and I didn't have her very long. So this, technically, is my first dog.

Thank you for your responses. Please be gentle as I am learning as I go.
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Ingredient Splitting

Replies: 2
Views: 1333

Search in: Nutrition and Feeding   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Ingredient Splitting    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyThu Oct 28, 2021 6:22 pm
Ok you got me. I went and looked at MY bag of dog food and im not exactly sure if they do splitting but i did notice a few things. So first handful of ingredients are boar goat lamb pork lamb meal boar meal mutton meal pork meal followed by some non meat things (no splitting) but mutton meal and lamb meal why not just call it sheep meal and depending on where the boar is from, it might be feral hog and not boar.

Meat meal is also deceptive. They call it meat meal because its things you might not want your dog eating. Usually its horse. Prior to ww2 (and kibble) thats mostly what dog food was. Some unethical companies have also used euthanized animals in meat meal which has led to recalls and deaths from euthanasia drugs.

A subsidiary of jbs that makes beef meal locally was fined for using rotting maggot infected meat and cows that had died in the field 2 months ago and then a week ago was caught picking up road kill. Their #1 buyer is the purina factory in denver. Very remincent of whats going on with sunshine mills and the recent usda letter. Thank you usda for labeling dog food a feed and not a food and saying people's pets dont matter.

Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Meloxicam

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Views: 2387

Search in: Medical Issues   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Meloxicam    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySun Jan 24, 2021 6:19 pm
Im having really mixed feelings about it because for shadow ot has been a miracle drug, for me it does nothing. He is on the same exact pills as me just he takes 1/2 once a day and i can take a whole one twice a day. Also i noticed when i take it twice a day over a period of time i start feeling kidney pain, and renal issues are the #1 issue with meloxicam. Yesterday Shadow was actually running. Its been awhile since he could do that. Poor dog is a medical disaster.

Shadow is currently on 3.75mg meloxicam dasuquin with msm and naturvet all in one. Ive been thinking about thc/cbd combo but not sure how to dose him on top of getting it has turned into a scavenger hunt due to a weather caused hash oil shortage in Colorado.
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Seed banks or websites

Replies: 43
Views: 2022

Search in: Gardening Sub-Forum   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Seed banks or websites    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyTue Jan 07, 2020 10:51 pm
#1 argument on facebook involves tourists particularly ones with campers. The 1 and only main road is 65 mph the locals drive about 75 the tourists driving their very large busses or trucks pulling campers are 1) going 45 2)taking pictures while driving very big deadly weapons at 45 3) they think us locals should slow down to enjoy the scenery 3a) going 45 when everything is 50 miles away is ridiculous, yes the scenery is beautiful thats why i moved here and if its so beautiful pull over i have places to be.

I have complete and utter contempt for people with big campers that dont drive the speed limit or are really just afraid of their rig because i had a 38 ft 5th wheel and a really big f250 bumper to bumper i was at over 50 ft and i was going 80 between Santa fe and taos. I pulled that trailer from houston to Colorado. It was home for 4 years
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: 1 year old husky with reoccurring diarrhea

Replies: 23
Views: 6048

Search in: Medical Issues   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: 1 year old husky with reoccurring diarrhea    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySun Jun 23, 2019 8:46 am
Ol roy..... the number 1 selling dog food here. And according to my vet the #1 reason dogs die early. Im in a tourist town so people here have money. The rest of the valley is dirt poor and the dogs suffer from it. Colorado now has doggy food banks, and they exclusively use ol roy
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Aggression (over-excitement?) on walks

Replies: 10
Views: 2283

Search in: Training   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Aggression (over-excitement?) on walks    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyThu Jan 31, 2019 11:31 am
#1 Prong collar, no harness. When he goes to jump up or charges another dog, give him a big firm snap correction. If your doing it right he should yelp. No verbal command, that way the correction is not from you, it's just happens every time he does the undesirable.

The way our trainer explained it, if a dog is running through the woods and smashes into a tree, he realizes real quick not to smash into trees. The tree is not being cruel, it's just cause and affect. Our boy has gotten much better. His biggest problem is over-excitement with other dogs. When we approach other dogs I get out a treat and get his attention on me and he gets a treat when we pass the other dog peacefully. It's a work in progress.
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Desperate to help our beautiful girl

Replies: 63
Views: 4920

Search in: Nutrition and Feeding   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Desperate to help our beautiful girl    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyWed Jun 27, 2018 7:42 pm
HI Momof3&asibe

If your stool sample is negative, I would definitely try switching food. Diet i think is #1 determinant for how formed or how lose your dog's poop is. Ever since I've had at Echo 8 weeks, it would seem every 3 weeks or so he would have a wicked course of diarrhea. Literally I would be using kidney basins as a makeshift toilet for him when he had bowel movements outside. The last straw was when he had a massive accident inside my house on my carpet after we had just went outside for a potty break. It would seem that after a week of fasting him and switching him to bland diet and his poops returning to normal it would all repeat again in a couple of weeks.

Fast forward 8 months of this and I had enough. I tried everything. From different brands of kibble to pumpkin, to yogurt, to fasting, to bland diets. I decided to go crazy and just fast him for 24 hours and switch him cold turkey to a RAW diet. 12 hours later his poops came out rock solid and I have never looked back since. It has taken almost a year of being on a RAW diet to fully heal his stomach and reverse the damage that kibble did to his GI system. Now he can drink from a puddle on the side of the road or dig in a muddy pit of swamp water and not have massive diarrhea the next day. I'm also slowly reintroducing meats like beef that used to cause him GI upset even on RAW and no problems whatsoever! The sad thing is I spent good money on quality kibble like Orijen.

I personally never went to the vet during any of his episodes of diarrhea. Because he would always get better in about a week, therefore I never really truely suspected worms or parasites. I find western vet medicine is good a symptomatically fixing things, but never really helps get to the bottom of why he had diarrhea in the first place. But if you've already recently tested his poop without issues, I would implore you try either a different brand of kibble or to switch to RAW. I can't tell you the wonderful benefits I've experienced since having him on it.

If you consider RAW, don't hesitate to ask questions about it or how to switch over. I along with some other members here feed a raw diet, some even do a partial raw diet and still supplement with kibble.

Good luck!
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: What are "Treats"?

Replies: 139
Views: 17754

Search in: Announcements   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: What are "Treats"?    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySat Feb 24, 2018 3:24 pm
I would like to remind everyone again of the proper way to use Treats.

They are NOT to be used for vindictive or petty reasons. Sometimes they are accidentally hit on a mobile device and most times the person will apologize and we will try to even out the treats.

If the Treats system continues to be abused, we will remove it entirely.

Koda wrote:
What treats are NOT:

-Something to take away when someone posts a training method that differs from your own. (So long as a training method isn't dangerous, misleading or harmful, there is no reason to take away a treat. There is more than one way to do everything and our forum is about education and owners making the best decisions for themselves and their dogs.)

-Something to take away just because you disagree with someone's opinion. (There is a difference between an opinion and a fact. There will always be opinions that differ from our own. As long as the information is not WRONG, there is no reason to "take away treats" simply because someone does not agree with you. See Rule #1 of this forum.)

-Something to give to your friends. (They aren't population points. They are designed to help members know when they are appreciated and to help new members recognize knowledgeable members of the forum.)

-Something to give without reason. (If treats were given out willy-nilly, they would hold no purpose. We hope that they are helpful to others. If treats start to become meaningless, the staff will discuss deactivating them from the forum.
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Team Yukikaze - Sports and Mushing

Replies: 53
Views: 13191

Search in: Working Dogs   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Team Yukikaze - Sports and Mushing    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyMon Jan 29, 2018 1:01 am
TwisterII wrote:
They have so much personality. This is such a neat adventure you are on with them.

Sorry for the late reply but thank you so much!!

We havent had any events lately but Ame did end as #1 Siberian Husky for 2017 in Fast CAT so that was exciting Smile
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing
Archana Chauhan

Replies: 106
Views: 18353

Search in: Announcements   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Hello eveyone. This is Laika the 3 month old husky growing up in the north of India and her mother Arshie.    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyFri Nov 17, 2017 8:02 am
I am 3 months 24 days old today and i live in the north of India. I am very naughty and active. I like pooping in the house and peeing in my mom's room.
I dont like sleeping in my parents bed. My parents are very clingy ,
they keep kissing and cuddling me all day.

Arshie here ! , the mother of this loony husky. So grateful to find this group and excited to connect with eveything husky out here. The site looks a little confusing to me, however with time i will be able to find my way. I have a few questions about feeding and exercise , not very sure where eaxctly do i ask them.
Koda wrote:
Hi There Smile

My name is Tori.  I am the co-creator and owner of this forum.  I thought I would share with you a little about our history, who we are, and why we are here, because I think that this forum is something special and we have a unique atmosphere here.

We are not the first husky forum.  There were many others before us.  There were three of us at the start.  Myself, Chad and another forum member.  We had been happily on a board called The Husky Forum.  When that board's administrator left for personal reasons without warning, the board began to die.  Not wanting to lose the husky family that we had created, the three of us decided to try and create a forum of our own.  However, we wanted to do things differently.

We had found that most boards took a stance on some major issues.  People were not allowed to disagree with training methods or ethical dilemmas.  If they were, they were cut down, belittled, and chastised.  It was a poor display of human decency.  The three of us firmly agreed that open discussion was vital and pivotal to an educational space.  We believed we could agree to disagree on any issue, and we could openly debate any issue, if we were polite and respectful.  Thus, we gave birth to Rule #1 (always on the right side of your screen).  This rule is first and foremost for a reason.  It was the founding cornerstone of our forum.

In order to keep a clean environment free of clutter on the page and on the boards, we developed Rules #2 & #4.

Rule #3 might seem obvious, but we've found on many boards those titles aren't respected.  We worked hard to form this forum and the staff continues to work hard to maintain it.  Just like volunteers in shelters, forum staff members often get little respect for the amount of work, time and energy that we put in.  We felt that people deserved a friendly reminder at all times how hard this staff works.  We also attempt to maintain a very small staff so that the roles ARE a means of respect and not just a glorified title.

So on May 19, 2009, we opened our proverbial doors.  We grew slowly, but many of us liked it that way.  We developed a family.  Jenn Bealer and Eddie Harris were among our very first members.  Valerie found her way here soon after and many other friends from other forums found their way too.  We did not want to "steal people" so we did not send out invitations, but rather allowed people to find their way here on their own or through other members.

Growing slowly allowed us to build relationships.  We became a family and I think many of you will find that we ARE a family.  But we're better than all that implies because we have a common goal: the health and happiness of our dogs.  Sure we disagree, like all families do, but we do so with respect and maturity.  We help people who come here looking for information, and sometimes those who didn't know they needed help.  We support each other when times are tough and our friendship transcends our animals in many cases.  And like a family, when someone steps out of line or injures a member of our pack, we deal with that infraction fairly and justly.  But no grudges are kept.  Families don't hold grudges.

We are a fun and friendly group because that's the love and respect we have for each other and our dogs.  That is the emotion and ideals that we are founded on.  We are rare, and we are proud of that.

So allow me be the first to truly and officially welcome you to It's A Husky Thing.  I hope you are proud of the legacy that you are joining and help us to continue to make this a fun and friendly place.  I know I am proud to call it mine.

Respectfully Yours,
Owned by Koda & Hailey
IAHT Co-Founder, Owner & Administrator
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Dog bite~Human Arm

Replies: 15
Views: 3176

Search in: Medical Issues   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Dog bite~Human Arm    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyFri Sep 15, 2017 6:18 pm
Sorry to hear about this.
Hope you are on the road to wellness now.

Happened to me too with husky #1.
He was in a dog fight with a wolf-hybrid.
They were thrashing so much I couldn't get the feet.
So I grabbed for the collar with my left hand.
When I was bitten, my watch took most of the chomp.
The only puncture was where the teeth went past the watch band.
The band was metal and had a dent from a tooth in it for the rest of its life.
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Team Yukikaze - Sports and Mushing

Replies: 53
Views: 13191

Search in: Working Dogs   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Team Yukikaze - Sports and Mushing    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySun Aug 13, 2017 1:34 pm
Artic_Wind wrote:
Congratulations! Looks like a lot of fun. I look forward to your follow up updates! Ame has grown up so beautifully.

th1921 wrote:
This is so cool!!!  Love the pictures!! Congrats!

Thank you both very much!

Sorry its been a little while since I last updated. Ame has done 4 more fast CATs since her first event, her speed is still at 28.37 mph though and she currently holds #1 spot for 2017. Ame achieved her BCAT at the latest event we did at the end of July as well.

Yona also competed at her first fast CAT at the end of July. Honestly the set up wasnt great as it was on gravel, so both the girls performance was pretty poor, I'll never make that mistake again and make sure to email the club to confirm surface before driving all that way. She had fun though.

Our next fast cat trial will be in September for the Eukanuba Performance games.
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Could it be the food?

Replies: 30
Views: 8724

Search in: Medical Issues   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Could it be the food?    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySat Jul 22, 2017 4:00 pm
Al, that is how I read it as well. Tho keep in mind, even the best foods out there rely on potato and pea protein (the grain free foods that many of us feed) and we all assume that the majority of the grain freed food's protein content comes from meat. However, if only one or two meat proteins are listed, and the food is say 29% protein, you need to go beyond the 2 meats to see where else the food obtains protein. That is why I stress to people on the forum that if your dog is having issues, more than likely there is a plant based protein diet you are feeding. So the more animal proteins listed the cleaner the source of protein your dog is getting. Too many companies rely on pea protein, even Acana for example, however, with Acana they also include several animal proteins. So looking at the food you feed, and your dog has issues, really look at where the protein is coming from. You can have 3 different foods that you are looking at and all 3 contain as an example, 29% protein as fed. But really look at the ingredients. Dog food #1 has 2 meat sources (listed as an example beef and then beef meal), then lists different plant based proteins. Dog food #2 has 4 meat sources (listed as an example beef, chicken, lamb, chicken meal), then list maybe a couple plant based proteins. Dog food # 3 may have 6 different meats listed, and maybe only 1 plant based protein. So reading labels goes beyond % and meat/meat meals, and what constitutes protein. If the food you want to feed lists for example salmon meal, then plant based items, then another meat meal further down the list, the plants are the higher source of protein, it will shuffle the first listing of the meat in the form of the salmon meal further down the line. However, if the food you are looking at contains salmon, salmon meal, then plant based items it will contain more meat. Lastly, the third kibble lists salmon, trout, salmon meal then some plant based then more meats, it will contain a higher level of animal protein. The more animal protein listed as the first ingredients the more animal protein the kibble will contain. There is also some talk in nutrition for dogs, that peas can mimic estrogen, and I would have to say an unaltered dog may have issues with too much hormones.
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: New Husky owner: 4mo.

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Views: 1854

Search in: Training   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: New Husky owner: 4mo.    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyFri Mar 03, 2017 2:56 am
Welcome to the forum Racheal!

1) Crate training and potty training seem to go hand in hand. So if you need time off or you are not at home Daisy needs to be crated, make it just large enough for her to turn around and that is it, typically puppies do not want to lay in their waste, so she will train herself to hold it.At 4 months old she should be able to old it for 4 hours, over night will be a hit or miss until she gets it, anywhere from a month upwards until she is 6-9 months old. When you are home and you do not want her in her crate, then she should be tethered to you so you can see what she is doing and give you clues she has to potty. When pottying take her out on leash use a command "go potty" for my gsd is to pee and "finish potty" is poop, my husky it's "go potty", when outside on leash be patient but do not allow any play time, you are for business, when she potty's tell her good girl and treat. Here's the thing, some are just easily distracted and wont finish come in and have to go 15 minutes later that is why the leash attached to you is important. If this is extreme where she is peeing more than she consumes water, then a trip to the vet to check for UTI.

2) Please read current post "Puppy Aggression" it will be above your post since I will add something there, look at the right hand side of the forum under latest topics.

3)See #1 but I do recommend getting Nature's Miracle, use it immediately as you can after she potties inside so she will not form a habit of peeing or pooping in the same place.

4) I highly recommend a front clip harness like this https://www.chewy.com/petsafe-easy-walk-dog-harness/dp/52060?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=hg&utm_content=PetSafe&utm_term=&gclid=CIfOzZjSudICFV22wAodgnEFHA&gclsrc=aw.ds
many here have used it, it is awkward at first, but does deter pulling, because once they do it turns them around to face you. Hold a treat in front of her where you want her to walk will help, treat when she is loose leash walking next to you. You can also do a stop and go method, she pulls you stop, turn around and go in a different direction, it kinda sucks that way, but she will not get what she wants, to pull, so she should pick up on that. You can also do a stop when she pulls place her in a sit, and then point to your eyes and say watch me, when she does treat, and then say "good walk nice" if she is walking nicely say tell her good and treat, wean off of treat or use very small treats.

5) hang in there training is key, but it does pay off around a year old when teething is done and they learn bite inhibition, and they understand your boundaries. Smile
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Hike distances

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Views: 1955

Search in: The Great Outdoors   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Hike distances    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySat Dec 10, 2016 6:38 pm
With access to water, your dog can go further than you can.
The only caveats are heat and rocky ground that might tear up his paws.

I used to take husky #1 on training runs at the beach when I was preparing for marathons.
I'd run twenty miles; he probably do 30 in the same time.
Huskies are amazing athletes- they just want to go, go, go!
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Advice on Training Out Cat "Aggression"

Replies: 3
Views: 2564

Search in: Training   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Advice on Training Out Cat "Aggression"    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyTue Sep 13, 2016 12:55 pm
I hesitate to call it "aggression", but Kairo treats cats like play things (tried to grab Anya out of my arms - not hard enough to hurt her, but with the motion like she was about to play tug). She is also a huge cat chaser and just this morning about took my arms of after one I didn't see in a bush.

However, if we are running, she doesn't so much as notice them in the path.

Ember was the same way, and I have the system I used to work with her in mind. To date, I can call her off mid-hot-pursuit on a cat without fail, whereas a few months ago I almost lost her to yanking the leash out of my hand. Thankfully she came back after her mission was complete.

Kairo has grown up around multiple cats, and has one at home that looks a lot like Anya named Sly. DJ has always wanted them to coexist and is considering giving up Sly so they both can have a better life - right now each has to be locked up while people are away, and even when they are home, the house is segregated. DJ wants Sly to have run of the house and for Kairo to be able to sleep in his bed with him at night.

Here is my plan - but I don't know if this will work as well for Kairo. Looking for advice.

Skill #1: Strong "Leave It"
Plan: Work with treats/toys to establish a strong "leave it" indoors. Slowly work to outdoors, and start to incorporate into walks on various objects.

Skill #2: Come When Called (outdoors)
I'm finding this one trickier, as Kairo loses focus on me the moment we step outside. However, I'm also finding that that focus has improved drastically just by the anti-tugging exercises we've been working on. So...

Plan: Start working on attention with distractions, including other dogs (which can elicit the same reaction as a cat darting off at times). Start working on "Come" on a long line. Once established, start working on "Leave It - Come" as one fluid motion - Leave It = Come, or "Come Away".

Progress Reports
Plan: Testing Kairo on leash, indoors, with Anya in various places. This obviously will not happen until the first skill seems to be incredibly solid.
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook

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Search in: Scrapbooks   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyMon Mar 28, 2016 5:04 pm
Happy Belated Birthday Mishka!! My faves are #1, 3, and the last one, such a pretty girl, and hope y'all had a nice birthday...
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Yeast or Skin Infection - can Probiotics/Yogurt help?

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Search in: Medical Issues   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Yeast or Skin Infection - can Probiotics/Yogurt help?    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyFri Mar 04, 2016 5:51 pm
Oh my gosh, Renee!!!! Red does the same thing as Sofie!! Sometimes when she's doing her #1 or #2, she will walk. Sometimes her lower belly and inner thighs get damp and nasty too. She used to hate it when I baby wiped her down but now she just kind of tolerates it. Sometimes she'll wiggle and try to walk away but usually I make her roll over or I have her over my knee (when I have to wipe her bum) so she's captured and can't run off. It's the worst when she walks back around and steps in her deposit by accident. Luckily she's only done this once with her poo and she did NOT like it on her paw.

The only saving grace is that she's has never had the inclination to eat her own poo. My niece has a siba inu that used to do that when she was pup. It was so gross. Embarassed affraid pale I remember my niece, my sister and myself had just caught Satchi about to lunge her for poo and we all yelled out "NoooooOOoOooo!!!!" in unison as we reached for her....but alas we were too late. Glad she grew out of that though.
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: Question for the admin: What's going on??

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Search in: Suggestions   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: Question for the admin: What's going on??    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyTue Feb 23, 2016 2:38 pm
Tori, thank you for posting in here.

Renee, As a mod the #1 thing i try to do is look for spam, people miss behaving and answer PM questions and look at flagged post, and gather pictures from HOTM. #2 is posting on the forum when there is a topic i feel i can answer. I have never had a puppy, the #1 question around here seems to be about puppies, i really have nothing to offer on that other then to say cute puppy. I try my best to answer hiking, rescue, and other topics in the medical area as that is where i have the most knowledge. It would be nice to have a few more mods that are spread in other areas of the topics, but an Admin is a HUGE deal and needs to be someone special.

i am always free to PM as well and most of you know i do respond as soon as i can.

in order to keep this place moving it needs to progress with MODs and active people over time, for the most part all of the MODs right now have been here since the start or just after the start, thats a few years! that is pretty good if you think about it. But it is time to add some fresh blood to the mix to keep things going.
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: My Husky killed a opossum but....

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Search in: General Discussions   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: My Husky killed a opossum but....    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyThu Jan 14, 2016 7:27 pm

I'm hoping that someone would give me so advice on what I should/could do (if anything is wrong here)

I recused a beautiful Sib from a young couple that didn't want her anymore, she was living in a one bedroom apartment for the first 15 months of her life, and she just turned 2 years old (I've had her sense March of 2015)

She now lives where she has a great size backyard, goes for walks 1-2 times a day, dog parks, bike rides etc. she's great! calm, doesn't destroy everything in sight and very chill, she tries to get cats when we are on walks but when I tell her NO! she chills out. In the last 2 months she has jumped up and grabbed two opossums from the 6' fence, the first opossum was playing opossum so it lived but the second wasn't so lucky, she does it so quietly that I can even hear her doing anything from the living room with the door open, she doesn't tear them apart, eat them or anything like that so I'm assuming shes just playing with them.

So the day before yesterday I was walking her at night and I didn't see the dead cat ahead of me on the sidewalk and she attacked the dead cat like it were alive, it scared the crap out of me because I didn't know the cat was dead until after I got her off the cat, the cat was stiff as a rock. (last night she got a hold of opossum #3) (#1&#3 walked away)

She gets along with everyone, people, kids, small or large dogs etc... she is not aggressive at all other thank with socks, yes socks!

My main concern is that I'm watching my ex girlfriends dog (which it was our dog when we were together) but when she moved out she took the dog with her but now shes looking for a place that accepts dogs, Ive had her for about 3 months now, the little dog doesn't like to play to much with my Husky but my husky want to play with her, I'm afraid that the Husky might hurt her in some way, not by playing but seriously hurt her or even kill her, she has not shown any aggression towards the small dog but I do not want to take that chance.  Am I just over thinking this issue?

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Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: 7 month-old Kiko is a terror! Please help.
Kiko's Mom

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Search in: Training   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: 7 month-old Kiko is a terror! Please help.    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyWed Oct 21, 2015 8:58 pm
Hi, I have not posted here for a long time, because I really wanted to be able to post some good news about our puppy Kiko. He is now over 7 months old, and he is a nightmare! I do have photos all the way up to this point, but I just haven't posted them. Some day I will post them, as he is a beautiful pup -- but right now I am seeking advice and I am pretty much exhausted physically and mentally from this dog, as is my boyfriend.

Kiko has a heart murmur, for one ...fine, because that is the least of our problems. We are working with the vet on that, and the good news is the X-rays don't show an enlarged heart, so finally he is going to be scheduled for an ultrasound by a canine cardiologist who comes to town once a month.

But the main thing is his behavior. He is literally crazy. I mean he is extremely hyper-active, more than any dog I have ever known. I have trained many puppies ...well, 8 puppies, in my life, and this one is not normal. All of my other puppies learned to sit/stay/lie down/come by the time they were 10 to 12 weeks old, and do those things consistently. Even Tundra, my last Siberian Husky (who was 18 months old when I rescued him and had severe separation anxiety), learned to behave and already knew basic commands and followed them. He was very gentle and sweet.

Kiko terrorizes our home. Seriously. My boyfriend is retired and I don't work outside the home, so we are always here, at least one of us and usually both of us. This dog terrorizes us from before sunrise until after sunset, that is the only way to put it.

#1 - House Breaking: Kiko goes outside during the day. He asks to go outside. But every night he poos and pees in the house. He poos two or three times during the night. We don't understand this. He is 7 months old. I have never even heard of any dog who goes this many times, especially during the night. And yep, in the house. When he knows to go outside during the day. He gets his dinner at 5pm and we take him outside at around 10pm or 10:30pm for his last poo/pee. But every single night I am awakened by the horrible smell and I have to get up and clean like crazy. Most often twice per night. It is a very strange smell. Kiko's poo has always smelled very much like burnt rubber. It has a very odd smell.

#2 - Wakes us up before dawn (related to issue #1 above) Even though he goes outside at 10:00pm or 10:30pm to poo/pee, and THEN he still poos and pees in the house two or three times during the night ...he STILL wakes us up crying to go out at anywhere between 4:00am up to as late as 5:30am (which is like "yay" we get to sleep in!).
This is a horrible situation, because if we don't get up and take him out, he will go in the house yet again. So either way, I have to get up and clean clean clean. Or take him outside in the dark (and then we are up for the day). I basically get maybe 4 or 5 hours of constantly interrupted sleep every night for almost seven months now since we have had this dog. My boyfriend too. We are both so exhausted, and I cried today.

#3 - He doesn't understand the word "NO". He doesn't understand ANY type of discipline or training efforts. He fights us. He fights back, I mean. I have successfully trained/disciplined other dogs, but Kiko is just impossible. Okay, I know he is a siberian husky, but omg you have no idea what this guy is like. See next point (#4) below.

#4 - He bites us and makes us bleed. We have listened to our vet and tried her suggestions. He constantly jumps on us and scratches us and bites us ...she said to turn our backs and ignore him when he is like that. It doesn't help, he just goes crazy. We are both so beaten up and scratched from him. He does not let up, no matter what we do. He seems to think it is all a game. I have never ever known or seen any dog like this Sad

#5 - He eats/chews/destroys everything!!! We can take him out on a 30 minute walk, or let him run and run and run at the dog park, but even after that he is hyper and crazy. He gets what we think is the best of food/nutrition (?) (TOTW High Prairie Puppy Food) along with soooo many toys and good safe healthy treats ...but he still goes absolutely crazy the minute we aren't looking and even if we ARE looking. He eats the carpet, the couch, the bedspread, the floor, the linoleum, the shelves, etc ...and I mean he actually ingests them, not just chewing. He digs and digs on the sofa and eats anything that rips, and does the same on the carpeting. If we stop him he bites us and then keeps going. Our entire house is basically ruined and chewed up in the last seven months. And we are so worried he will get a blockage or a rupture from eating all this inedible stuff that he eats. Sad

I know I have probably left much out. Like how we love him, and how he is so cute when he finally is sleeping.
I must reiterate that I have raised and trained many other pups. But we are just at our wits end with this one. I know I will hear it from the behaviorists and trainers here on this site, and it's okay, I can take it. Let me have it, any ideas or suggestions or criticism. Anything that will help, please. We can't give him up. Nobody would keep this dog. If we did give him up he would be put down. I want to be able to live with this dog. Please help!

Any suggestions or even commiserations welcome. Smile

Like ...do any of you have any similar stories? Have any of you had similar troubles but it turned out okay?

Sorry I am just so tired. Please help!

Thank you.
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: For the runners

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Search in: General Discussions   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: For the runners    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyFri Oct 09, 2015 4:11 pm
#1. No running until she/he is a year old. its too hard on their developing joints and muscles.
#2. I run with mine using a running belt like this:
she gets a harness and runs ahead of me, by KM 2-3 shes running beside me, by km 5 I'm pulling her a little. We dont run super often though.

For us we use a leash and collar to walk, and a harness to run. She knows the difference and knows to pull only if she has her harness on. It took a lot of training. Use that first year to your advantage and teach her to heel well, then work on training her to run when she is at least 1.
Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: And #6 in the 23 Friendliest Dog Breeds is...

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Search in: General Discussions   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: And #6 in the 23 Friendliest Dog Breeds is...    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyFri Oct 02, 2015 11:44 am
the Siberian Husky bounce bounce bounce Bet you all are wondering...I thought it was #1 lol!

Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum Topic_readTopic: A little funny to begin the day:

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Search in: General Discussions   Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptySubject: A little funny to begin the day:    Topics tagged under 1 on It's a Husky Thing - Siberian Husky Forum EmptyThu Oct 01, 2015 2:44 pm
lol, #8 look crazy. #1 is reminds me of Leo in the sprinkles.
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