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  7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!

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Male Join date : 2013-05-10

biting -  7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!  Empty
PostSubject: 7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!    biting -  7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!  EmptyFri May 10, 2013 12:13 pm

Recently i got my first husky puppy. He was ony 5 and a half weeks old, and i was unaware that that was a very bad thing to do, the breeders called and said almost everyone had gotten theres and that we need to get ours. they said he had been to the vet and got his first set of shots and is healthy. hes been doing pretty good with training and all and im aware he as very young which will lead to a few issues.

He has been nipping ad bitting and attacking my legs arms and hands very badly this past week. i know he is teething and wants to chew. when he does this i tell him no and stick a toy in his mouth instead but he still insists on biting, and biting hard. Can anyone give me tips on how to stop this behavior? im aware huskys are different from others dogs and i want to make sure i do it right.
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Female Join date : 2013-03-18
Location : Deer Park, TX

biting -  7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: 7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!    biting -  7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!  EmptyFri May 10, 2013 12:19 pm

Stop playing with him right away, you can put him in time out (a room that is dark with a door works) of course tell him no, yelp as if he is really hurting you (yes like a dog)... there are a lot of subjects on this issue.
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Male Join date : 2013-05-10

biting -  7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: 7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!    biting -  7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!  EmptyFri May 10, 2013 12:33 pm

So when i put him in time out, would I not let him out till he stops whining also so i dont reenforce that crying lets him out?
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Wy Renegade
Wy Renegade

Join date : 2013-03-04
Location : Wyoming

biting -  7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: 7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!    biting -  7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!  EmptyFri May 10, 2013 12:41 pm

This is an unfortunate consequence of getting the pup early. He's likely not teething yet, he's just playing. Usually in the sixth, seventh, and eighth week the pups really start to play together, and learn from each other and from mom appropriate play techniques and how hard to bite or not bite. Since you received yours so early it hasn't learned this yet. If you watch a female with pups, when a puppy bites too hard, she will yelp as described above, and then grab the pup by mussle and hold it closed. She doesn't bite, she just holds it closed for several seconds - this annoyes the pup because they don't want their mouth held closed. Removing yourself is a good option, but I would start with the other first. You need to teach the pup how to play appropriately, not just how to play with you. Otherwise you are going to have more issues later when you try to socialize and your pup is going to get bit a lot by other dogs because it plays too rough.
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Female Join date : 2012-09-22
Location : Chicago

biting -  7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: 7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!    biting -  7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!  EmptyFri May 10, 2013 1:22 pm

I second the yelp or "ouch!" and holding his muzzle shut for a few seconds. My breeder demonstrated this for me when my pup started sinking her teeth into my skin and it really works. I always give her a plush squeak toy after to redirect the urge to bite. I got mine a little early at 7.5 weeks and she already has a soft mouth!

Also, if you have any neighbors with healthy puppies that are UTD on shots, you might want to ask for a play date. Another puppy can help train yours to have a soft mouth. My neighbor has a 12 week old Alaskan Husky and we have daily play sessions.
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Male Join date : 2013-05-10

biting -  7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: 7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!    biting -  7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!  EmptyFri May 10, 2013 2:04 pm

thank you so much guys, ill give it a try
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PostSubject: Re: 7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!    biting -  7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!  Empty

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7 week Biting and nipping puppy, help!

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