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 How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?

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Male Join date : 2013-01-11
Location : Chicago, Illinois

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyTue Apr 09, 2013 1:06 am

My Mishka is STILL biting at 6 months and 2 weeks. Really getting on my nerves. Trying all the methods out there. So I was just wondering.. How old was your pup when they stopped puppy biting?
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Female Join date : 2012-08-08
Location : Atlanta, Georgia

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyTue Apr 09, 2013 1:11 am

I got Pippa at 6 months and she was very, very mouthy. Now, at 1 year, 3 months, she knows "easy" and is very gentle, but is still very mouthy. It's a work-on-it-everyday kind of thing for us.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-02

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyTue Apr 09, 2013 1:37 am

I am having the same problem with Dakota, she is 4 months, she is doing great with everything else, BUT the biting/mouthing, I have marks all over my arms and its getting on my nerves as well.. I've been doing everything and she doesn't seem to care and continues to bite, I'm hoping time and with us continuing to keep on her it will get better.

Let me know if you find something that works!!! And ill do the same if I find something!!
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
Location : Nebraska

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyTue Apr 09, 2013 2:42 am

Sheba is 11 months and she is still very mouthy..especially when she gets excited. The only thing that has ever worked with her is either yelping or yelling OW! really loud to where it startles her. She then puts her ears back and licks my hands. Removing myself from her only worked for a little bit until she realized it is even more fun to chase me and try to lick my face by jumping on me Rolling Eyes .

Don't worry about her still being all mouthy. It is definitely a daily lesson we have to go over. Just keep working on it!
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Male Join date : 2013-01-11
Location : Chicago, Illinois

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyTue Apr 09, 2013 7:56 am

Wow I'm not the only one! Lol. & yes jenn please share if you do!
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Female Join date : 2013-02-21
Location : Ohio

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyTue Apr 09, 2013 9:06 am

Bourbon finally cut back on this around 6-7 months he is now 8 months but still does it about once a week. Obviously it is practice practice. Last night he was excited and NOTHING worked. I had to leave the room and do something totally else cause he was annoying me. Granted he saw me little yesterday so he was extra excited and I think he was trying to get me to sit down and play with him.

He is not as hard now and knows to be gentle but he still does it repeatedly at one "sitting".
The OW and no seems to work best for "curbing" and stopping this but keep trying and I can let you know if it ever stops. I have been told once he loses puppy tendecies. Ugg does that mean when he is 1.5 to 2 yrs old?

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  20170810
biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  LcFfm5biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  KIX4m5
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Female Join date : 2012-09-24
Location : Niagara Falls, NY

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyTue Apr 09, 2013 10:50 am

Lucian still does it too. Mostly when he gets excited. I have a squirt bottle handy most of the time when guests come over and he gets riled up. He doesn't like water, so all I have to do is pick up the bottle and he instantly stops, lol.
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Female Join date : 2013-03-18
Location : Deer Park, TX

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyTue Apr 09, 2013 12:35 pm

Keyda81 wrote:
Lucian still does it too. Mostly when he gets excited. I have a squirt bottle handy most of the time when guests come over and he gets riled up. He doesn't like water, so all I have to do is pick up the bottle and he instantly stops, lol.

I tried this and Micole will open her mouth for you to squirt her in the mouth!! I think it worked the first time and after that she loved it biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  1625187496 Crazy huskys!!!!
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Female Join date : 2013-02-21
Location : Ohio

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyTue Apr 09, 2013 12:40 pm

Ha Ha on Micole's part.
Bourbon does not like it when I shoot him by his ears if his back is to me or between the eyes if facing.
He usually only gets this for mouthing and humping his sister.
I hope he does not "think" to turn his head and drink!

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  20170810
biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  LcFfm5biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  KIX4m5
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Male Join date : 2013-04-08
Location : Colorado

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyTue Apr 09, 2013 1:01 pm

If I don't want her to bite my hands, I put them under my arms. If we are playing, I always try and make sure that I have a big enough toy for her to get her teeth around so that she won't bite my hands...but dang, I hate when I'm trying to pet her and be sweet, and she starts play biting, hahaha....oh dogs...
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Male Join date : 2013-01-11
Location : Chicago, Illinois

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyTue Apr 09, 2013 5:31 pm

Yeah I tried the spray water bottle... She freakin' loves it. Smh
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
Location : Nebraska

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyTue Apr 09, 2013 8:28 pm

I thought about trying a water bottle with Sheba, but she hates baths so much I'm afraid it will only make her more paranoid about baths!! I can't deal with any more of her screaming then I normally do. But on the flip side, she loves to swim and she loves her baby pool in the summer.

Do any of your huskies have problems with bath time that you squirt in the face?? Or have you had issues with water in general because of it.

**Sorry to hijack!! Seemed like a good time to ask!
biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  888911
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Male Join date : 2013-01-11
Location : Chicago, Illinois

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyTue Apr 09, 2013 8:55 pm

Its fine! The more questions answered the better! But mishka hates baths. But when I bring out the hose from outside she opens her mouth and chases it and just loves it!
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Female Join date : 2012-11-03
Location : San Antonio, TX

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyWed Apr 10, 2013 10:12 am

Karli still play bites...yelling OW works best for us or shoving the toy in her mouth (its usually during pull-rope time that she gets bitey because she really wants me to play with the rope with her.) I taught her how to kiss on command (if I make the kissy noise she licks my face) so when she gets really riled up and I just want to pet her, I make the kissy noise and make her kiss me, then I pet her head first and that seems to calm her down. Of course, rubbing her tummy calms her down instanstly lol.
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Male Join date : 2013-04-08
Location : Colorado

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyWed Apr 10, 2013 3:23 pm

cinnamonbits wrote:
Karli still play bites...yelling OW works best for us or shoving the toy in her mouth (its usually during pull-rope time that she gets bitey because she really wants me to play with the rope with her.) I taught her how to kiss on command (if I make the kissy noise she licks my face) so when she gets really riled up and I just want to pet her, I make the kissy noise and make her kiss me, then I pet her head first and that seems to calm her down. Of course, rubbing her tummy calms her down instanstly lol.

You aren't kidding about the belly rubbing! Wow....Juno loves that so much! Do all huskies?
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Female Join date : 2013-04-02
Location : Oakhurst, CA

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyWed Apr 10, 2013 4:44 pm

Baron is a little over 8 months and still play bites. What I do when it starts to get a bit out of hand (pun intended), is say in my strict mommy voice, "Stop", or "Easy", and he usually eases up.
My problem is getting other people to have that same voice with him. Most of my friends are all just starry eyed and "OH MY GOSH LOOK AT HOW PRETTY HE IS", and he keeps up the behavior until I intervene.
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Female Join date : 2013-04-17
Location : Florida

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyWed Apr 17, 2013 9:54 pm

We adopted Skyler in January of this year, they have estimated her at around 1 years old, in the past few weeks she has much more mouthy with me and nothing seems to be working to get her to stop! any suggestions?
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Female Join date : 2013-03-18
Location : Deer Park, TX

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyWed Apr 17, 2013 9:58 pm

What is she getting mouthy about???

Mine was always about food really bad too..... lol She is a pig lol
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Female Join date : 2013-04-17
Location : Florida

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyWed Apr 17, 2013 10:05 pm

Its normally when she wants to play or feels like im not paying her enough attention, Aka when im studying, she dose not bite to be mean just kinda nibbles but trust me it still hurts. She has never been food aggressive and allows me take food right out of her mouth with no problem.
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Female Join date : 2013-03-18
Location : Deer Park, TX

biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?    biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  EmptyThu Apr 18, 2013 12:08 pm

The only advice I can give you is start all over as if she was a puppy. She nibbles put her in time out. She gets mouthy put her in time out. Give her NO attention when she does this. I am not sure what your schedule looks like but before you start studying maybe take her out for a nice walk so you can get some of that energy out of her.
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biting - How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?  Empty
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How old was your puppy when he/she stopped biting/mouthing?

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