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 Multiple Dog Questions

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Join date : 2012-08-22

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PostSubject: Multiple Dog Questions   Multiple Dog Questions EmptyWed Feb 06, 2013 4:30 pm

First, meet Carter, I adopted him about a month ago. My first adoption, Sky, is the most social creature I've ever met, so I knew she needed a friend. He was brought into his kennel at the shelter for the first time while I was there (I had come there to meet him). The poor guy was scared to death, underweight, and had obviously been shaved that summer.

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Anyways, things have been going great. His training is coming along slowly but surely, he's gained about 7+ pounds. He's pretty docile and easy going, but he and Sky get along great.

A few questions to those of you who own multiple dogs:

1) How do you walk them together? Seperate Leashes? Coupler? Other?

2) If you do crate them both, are you crating them in the same room or different rooms?

3) Sky gets pretty jealous when I give him attention but has been getting better recently. Is she going to eventually accept it?
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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Multiple Dog Questions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Multiple Dog Questions   Multiple Dog Questions EmptyWed Feb 06, 2013 4:36 pm

I walk all my dogs together on seperate leashes. I have used a coupler but I found it harder. I just bought a mushers belt to connect all 3 dogs to my waist, which seems to be a lot easier for people with mutlitples.

Mine are all crated in the same room. I have crated them together before, but only when one was a puppy and cried a lot.

They all do eventually accept it. My newest addition Ares gets super jealous when we pet the other dogs.. He will jump up on us and make sure we can only pet him. I just ignore him when he does.

Last edited by Jennet&Embry on Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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soul embrace
soul embrace

Male Join date : 2013-01-04
Location : Alabama

Multiple Dog Questions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Multiple Dog Questions   Multiple Dog Questions EmptyWed Feb 06, 2013 4:43 pm

Great looking doggies you got there.

1. I just bought a coupler to walk my two when Maya gets old enough to walk long distances

2. I crate mine in the same room and the crates are right next to each other
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Female Join date : 2012-05-13
Location : Colorado Springs, CO

Multiple Dog Questions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Multiple Dog Questions   Multiple Dog Questions EmptyWed Feb 06, 2013 4:45 pm

I walk my two separately. I don't crate my dogs, never have, but if I did, I've give them their own crates- I wouldn't want to be smooshed into one crate.
My dogs never had jealousy issues, they loved eachother over me from day one. But a lot of the dogs I worked with who got a new sibling took a while to warm up. It's a big change and they need time to adapt.
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Join date : 2012-08-22

Multiple Dog Questions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Multiple Dog Questions   Multiple Dog Questions EmptyWed Feb 06, 2013 5:02 pm

Oh, I'm definitely using 2 crates. Not only is it bad logistically, it's not good territorily I'd imagine.

Edit: I'm referring to crating them in seperate rooms of the house. ie. one in the living room and one in a bedroom

Last edited by lpp06 on Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Female Join date : 2012-12-29
Location : Northern Nevada

Multiple Dog Questions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Multiple Dog Questions   Multiple Dog Questions EmptyWed Feb 06, 2013 5:16 pm

I walk my two on seperate leashes I tried a coupler, but they just bump into one another.
I also never crated my dogs, but it def sounds better to have seperate ones.
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Female Join date : 2012-05-02
Location : MD

Multiple Dog Questions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Multiple Dog Questions   Multiple Dog Questions EmptyWed Feb 06, 2013 5:22 pm

I have an 18 month old lab Ruby, and Balon who is almost 1. I crate them both but at this point only when we are all gone, so really not much anymore! I always crated them side by side in separate crates. My vet at the time said it was a mistake and that they would not like being apart. The lab could care less, she loves him, but if she is in her crate and he isn't , she isn't upset. Balon on the other hand will freak out if put in his crate and she is not in hers lol. I just really didn't have another place for a large crate.

When we walk them, usually its just one of us and we use separate leashes.

Jealousy isn't too much of an issue here. I would say if I'm showing love to one the other magically appears for his/her share lol. Balon is pretty much alpha here and he will push his way in to get attention lol. But she is so easy going she just moves, she doesn't care lol.

Oh and thanks for adopting!
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Join date : 2012-08-22

Multiple Dog Questions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Multiple Dog Questions   Multiple Dog Questions EmptyWed Feb 06, 2013 7:11 pm

Balonsmom wrote:

Jealousy isn't too much of an issue here. I would say if I'm showing love to one the other magically appears for his/her share lol. Balon is pretty much alpha here and he will push his way in to get attention lol. But she is so easy going she just moves, she doesn't care lol.

Oh and thanks for adopting!

That's exactly what Sky does! And carter reacts the same way!
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Join date : 2012-08-22

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PostSubject: Re: Multiple Dog Questions   Multiple Dog Questions EmptyWed Feb 06, 2013 8:20 pm

Another question:

Do any of you have recommendations for good treats to buy in bulk?
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Female Join date : 2012-08-12
Location : Nebraska

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PostSubject: Re: Multiple Dog Questions   Multiple Dog Questions EmptyWed Feb 06, 2013 8:31 pm

I walk my two at the same time on their own leashes. I find couplers give them less freedom as they are connected and only have like 6 inches of freedom from bumping into each other constantly. I tried it in the pet store..deff a no go. My girls like their space. I wouldn't want somebody basically standing on me when I was doing my business!! Very Happy .

As for the crate issue, only Sheba is crated. I don't trust her at all. Kennedy will sometimes lay in the bedroom with her, but usually lays in the living room. If they were both crated, I would put them both in the bedroom. I don't see how crating in separate rooms would go over well, but I guess it depends on the dogs. When I had my Lhasa Apso Kloe, both her and Kennedy were crated in the same room and they could see one another.

Treat wise, I just buy bags of treats from a pet boutique. It may cost more, but my dogs are getting top quality ingredients and their treats are Made in the USA. You honestly can't beat that. Stay away from all Purina and Del Monte treats. Buy wholesome, healthy treats that won't make your dog sick. Okay I'm off my soapbox!
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Female Join date : 2012-11-01
Location : Spokane WA

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PostSubject: Re: Multiple Dog Questions   Multiple Dog Questions EmptyWed Feb 06, 2013 8:42 pm

Walks I have used both couplers as well as separate leashes. Can't say I preferred one over the other to be honest they both worked well.

When I do crate it is in the same room, mostly because it's easy access to either dog for potty times. For the most part mine are kenneled in their runs together, exception being when the girls are in prime season-

The jealousy does stop eventually. This is new and they feel they might not be the center of your universe for a while....keep equal attention to both and they'll get over it.

Treats, their own kibble works well, I do like food rolls (like Natural balance logs), making your own chicken treats is easy, string cheese, hot dogs, anything that you can find to motivate them. Each dog is different so try a few out see what works best.
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