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 Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(

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Male Join date : 2012-08-10
Location : Crown Point, IN

Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(    Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(  - Page 3 EmptyMon Jan 28, 2013 2:52 pm

Erinc wrote:
Just saw the update on YouTube, can't say I managed to hold back the tears... So sorry for your loss. I heard that the rainbow bridge is a pretty fab place Smile You & your family will be in our thoughts.

I know it was so sad! But at least the other 2 dogs seem to be doing good. She said they will most likely get another dog at some point. I am dreading the day I have to make that decision Sad
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Join date : 2011-11-12

Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(    Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(  - Page 3 EmptyMon Jan 28, 2013 3:03 pm

jschrader wrote:
Erinc wrote:
Just saw the update on YouTube, can't say I managed to hold back the tears... So sorry for your loss. I heard that the rainbow bridge is a pretty fab place Smile You & your family will be in our thoughts.

I know it was so sad! But at least the other 2 dogs seem to be doing good. She said they will most likely get another dog at some point. I am dreading the day I have to make that decision Sad

Ah I'm glad the other two are doing good, Oakley really seems at home with them now. The only thing I'm scared of doing is saying goodbye, especially considering how teary I get when reading about others stories... I wish them all the best & that Shiloh rests in peace.
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Male Join date : 2012-08-10
Location : Crown Point, IN

Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(    Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(  - Page 3 EmptyMon Jan 28, 2013 3:06 pm

Erinc wrote:
jschrader wrote:
Erinc wrote:
Just saw the update on YouTube, can't say I managed to hold back the tears... So sorry for your loss. I heard that the rainbow bridge is a pretty fab place Smile You & your family will be in our thoughts.

I know it was so sad! But at least the other 2 dogs seem to be doing good. She said they will most likely get another dog at some point. I am dreading the day I have to make that decision Sad

Ah I'm glad the other two are doing good, Oakley really seems at home with them now. The only thing I'm scared of doing is saying goodbye, especially considering how teary I get when reading about others stories... I wish them all the best & that Shiloh rests in peace.

I get the same way when I read about others too. It was so shocking with Shiloh because of how fast it was. I never thought it was that serious until about a week before she had to be put to sleep. That has to be the worst decision to have to make, and I don't know if I could be that brave. The drive to the vet would be the worst, knowing that he won't be coming back. Ugh, that sucks. Gotta think happy thoughts and give mine a big hug when I get home.
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Join date : 2010-09-09

Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(    Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(  - Page 3 EmptyFri Mar 29, 2013 8:51 pm

I just read through this entire post. Thanks so much you guys. I wish I had more time to be on these fourms. Your love and support means so much to Jamie and I!

Jan 17th was by far, one of the worst days of my life. I had not choice but to do what I had to do. There of course, are many things we did not share publicly on facbook and Youtube. . not everyone really understands. I uploaded a video Wednesday night of Shiloh, she was wobbly, but people were begging to see her. After that video, things went downhill. She refused to let me feed her (we had been hand feeding her because of her jaw drop). She didn't want anything to do with water, and for the first time in the two weeks we were feeding her, she just had no interest. Jamie and I said from the start when she didn't want to eat anymore, we would not force her. So we tried a few more times through the evening, and she was not happy about it.

I sat on the couch and she slept on her bed. Ever time she moved, I helped her get up and down. Around 9pm that night she started to whine. I just went and held her. She had lost a lot of muscle mass in her face and she had lost a lot of weight. She wanted to get up, so I helped her stand, and it was very odd, she walked right into the wall, and then into the couch and then started to whine. We realized that she couldn't see anymore. . and not even an hour later. . she could no longer hear. She was lost. . We carried her to the bedroom and let her sleep in our bed one last time. She could no longer get up on her own, so we knew she wouldn't fall off. and of course. . we didn't sleep much. She cried if we were not touching her. It took a few hours but she finally fell into a good sleep and we were able to nap. Around 5am she woke up crying again. We knew she was done fighting. She couldn't stand, she couldn't see, and she couldn't hear. I called the vet and told them we would be bringing her in.

Our dear friend Greg had been coming over to visit every few days. He was supposed to come over that night. We called him and told him we were heading to the vet and wanted to know if he wanted to see her one last time, of course he said yes. He was at work so we drove there. I drove and Jamie held Shiloh. When we got to Greg's work he was giving her a hug, and he just kind of looked up and said I want to go with you. Of course we were happy to have his support! Greg lived with us for almost 5 years from the time Shiloh was about 8 months old. He moved out shortly before we got Shelby. So Shiloh was a big part of his life.

And I am sure you know how the story ends. She was down to 32 pounds. . she was so tiny. Shiloh was a sick dog from the day we got her and we battled things with her her entire life. Allergies, infections, colds, skin issues, upper respiratory issues, my file for her vet visits is huge. We had almost lost her a few times in the 11 years we had her, and we honestly never thought she would make it as long as she did. She was anemic, had a compromised immune system, and just had horrible health.

We did not have a necropsy done, but according to our amazing vets, we are 90% sure it was a tumor pressing on her cranial never. She was not a candidate for surgery or chemo. . . so there was nothing more we could do.

We miss her so very much. But I must say, knowing that she brought joy to so many people, really helps us in our day to day healing.

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Female Join date : 2009-12-13
Location : South Fl

Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(    Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(  - Page 3 EmptySat Mar 30, 2013 1:21 am

What a difficult time for all of you guys... I would be in shambles to see one of mine that way. You did everything and beyond and I'm sure at this point you're very happy and greatful for all the time you did have together Smile

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Female Join date : 2012-09-22
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Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(    Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(  - Page 3 EmptySat Mar 30, 2013 1:30 am

She had a wonderful life with you guys! I never cried so much for someone else's dog. You have been so strong!
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
Location : Nebraska

Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(    Gone to the Snowdogs Shiloh is gone :(  - Page 3 EmptySat Mar 30, 2013 1:57 am

I'm all teary eyed again. Shiloh was such a lucky girl to have you both as her loving owners I love you . God bless you from my pack to yours.
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