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 Noisy at night & Not on the carpet!

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Join date : 2012-08-24

Noisy at night & Not on the carpet! Empty
PostSubject: Noisy at night & Not on the carpet!   Noisy at night & Not on the carpet! EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 9:31 am

Sleep My 12 week old Husky is fine in the day, and is very energetic but when ever we leave the room and close the door he starts to bark, do a whimpery howl and cry! I followed a training book that told me to ignore it for 5 mins until he stopped, then repeat it adding on time. The only thing is that he won't stop crying! I try my hardest to leave it and distract myself but it's REALLY loud! It's worse in the night because it's a quite neighborhood at dark and I'm frightened that everyone can hear it and that it may be keeping them up too or that they think I might be abusing him Crying or Very sad We are going to attempt to crate train him and see if we have any success, but in the mean time does anyone have any ideas that could make him cry less.

Also, he is having trouble understanding to concept of NOT ON THE CARPET! We walk him in the morning, before he goes to bed, we put him in the garden before and after he eats but he still doesn't do his business there! Most of the time he waits till he get's back in to do it. We have put newspaper down in the 'usual spots' and we are trying to take them away gradually until the one at the door is left, then take that one away so he know to go to the door when he needs to go, but now he has decided to go wherever there is no paper! When he does go we pick him up and put him either on the paper or outside but he's still not understanding that's where he's meant to go pee! Does anyone have suggestions on how to get it in his head?

Thank you! Very Happy
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Join date : 2012-06-13
Location : Denver, CO

Noisy at night & Not on the carpet! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Noisy at night & Not on the carpet!   Noisy at night & Not on the carpet! EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 9:53 am

You should never be encouraging him to go inside, even if it's just temporary. He will learn that's ok and then get confused when he's not supposed to anymore. Take him out when he wakes up, after play, after eating/drinking, and don't come back inside until he goes. When he does go, use your potty phrase (ours is "go potty!") and then praise him and act like that is the best thing in the world he could do.

I think crate training will drastically help too. Dogs don't want to soil where they sleep, so he will do his best to not go in the crate as long as it is the right size. If you get a big one for when he's full grown, make sure you have a divider panel so he doesn't have access to the whole thing or else he can use one end for potty and one end for sleep.

Good Luck!
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Male Join date : 2012-07-11
Location : Toronto, Canada

Noisy at night & Not on the carpet! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Noisy at night & Not on the carpet!   Noisy at night & Not on the carpet! EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 9:55 am

Good luck with crate training! Ours cried obsessivly and was incrediably persisitant about NOT wanting to be left! With alot of practice we were very successful. One tip... practice leaving during the day when the noise would not be so unwelcomed... even during the week if possible while people are at work... regardless as our neighbours would meet Tama they would always say "Oh so your the husky pup...." LOL

As for potty training... timimg and waiting. Try and get your pup on a schedule, meaning watch the time when he is usually going and then take him out before that time... especially at night when you are not able to watch him as much. Also when you take him out.,..WAIT. He doenst go back in till he goes. We also were very diligent about going out with him with treats.. so he was rewarded OUTSIDE when he peed.

And one little tip... if you dont catch him in the act of peeing then you really cant scold him because he is not associating the NO with peeing.

Good luck!!!
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Female Join date : 2012-07-07
Location : Houston, TX

Noisy at night & Not on the carpet! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Noisy at night & Not on the carpet!   Noisy at night & Not on the carpet! EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 1:04 pm

Welcome and congrats on the new addition!

For crying at night, expect him to do that for the next week or two. They miss their littermates and their mom. I suggest buying a plastic crate and putting a blanket over it. Another thing you can do is play some soft music for him to lull him to sleep.

Potty training. Juneau learned by day 5 or 6 (8 wks old) to go to the door and wait for me to notice her. She usually nudges her head against the blinds and it makes a clanking noise lol.

Get rid of the newspapers. Clean up with paper towels and an enzyme cleaner. You can get these at wal-mart, petsmart, target, petco, etc. Enzyme cleaner is basically a pet urine cleaner that removes the scent.

I forget what the rule of thumb is, but I would take him out at least every half hour to an hour. Once he hits 4 months, try every 2 hrs. If you witness him peeing, firmly say, "NO!", pick him up (yes, midstream) and carry him outside. Plop him on the grass and wait for him to go potty. Say, "go potty" or "do your business" or whatever floats your boat. After he pees, reward him with treats and praise. Keep doing this and he'll eventually get the hang of it!
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