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 HELP!!!! Food Agression on the rise

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Female Join date : 2012-05-02
Location : Niagara Falls

HELP!!!! Food Agression on the rise Empty
PostSubject: HELP!!!! Food Agression on the rise   HELP!!!! Food Agression on the rise EmptySat May 05, 2012 2:15 pm

Hey Everyone,

Back Story: I am the proud mother of two beautiful huskies. Juneau is 6 months old this month and I got her when she was 8 weeks old. James has an approximate age of 2 years and we rescued him just a couple weeks ago.

A couple days after we first got James we noticed that he had food aggression not towards us but toward Juneau the puppy. There was an incident in which I was giving Juneau a treat and James tried to take it away from her when she moved away with it he bit her and she was bleeding and ended up with a dime size open wound just below her left eye. I immediately called there trainer who informed me not to be mad at him that it is normal because he was a stray and just to feed them and treat them separately in separate rooms or in their crates so this is what we have done from that point on. If he is in his crate eating or with a toy and she goes anywhere near his crate he can't hurt her because he is in there but he will growl and snarl etc.

Juneau however has never been food aggressive since I got her in January. From what I read in books and magazines I would purposefully take away her food, treat, or toy. just so she got use to that from a young age then gave it back to her and this never bothered her.

Today however when I took Juneau's treat away she snarled at me and bit my hand. Did she learn this from James? What should I do to address this issue? HELP?!?!?!!?
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Female Join date : 2012-03-08
Location : Ohio

HELP!!!! Food Agression on the rise Empty
PostSubject: Re: HELP!!!! Food Agression on the rise   HELP!!!! Food Agression on the rise EmptySat May 05, 2012 8:54 pm

Do you practice Nothing in Life Is Free (NILIF)? Working for treats and food might be a good start for both of them.

If you can fee them separately, that would be good as well. You could try crating one and hand-feeding the other a meal and then switching so that they get used to you handling and giving out their food all the time.

Charlie (our coonhound) had trouble eating around Alice at first as well, so we feed her in her crate and have him outside it to eat. They get growly once in a while, but things are getting better. This is a situation where time is going to help resolve it as well, as long as you proactively work with them.
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Female Join date : 2012-05-02
Location : Niagara Falls

HELP!!!! Food Agression on the rise Empty
PostSubject: Re: HELP!!!! Food Agression on the rise   HELP!!!! Food Agression on the rise EmptySat May 05, 2012 10:40 pm

Thanks for the response Smile We just did that for dinner so far so good Smile
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Female Join date : 2012-03-08
Location : Ohio

HELP!!!! Food Agression on the rise Empty
PostSubject: Re: HELP!!!! Food Agression on the rise   HELP!!!! Food Agression on the rise EmptySat May 05, 2012 11:02 pm

I hope they work it out between them Smile It can take a while for rescues to settle in as well, so the first few weeks may be kind of up and down for everyone anyway.
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HELP!!!! Food Agression on the rise

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