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 Juno's not eating :(

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Male Join date : 2011-10-17
Location : Littleton, CO

Juno's not eating :(  Empty
PostSubject: Juno's not eating :(    Juno's not eating :(  EmptyMon Apr 09, 2012 5:29 pm

So, starting last Thursday, Juno has been barely eating. We have been doing the raw diet for about 7 months now, with no problems. On Wednesday night, the wife added the liver to the chicken in their bowls (which they NEVER like) and they ate it just fine. But starting Thursday morning, Juno started showing no interest at all in food. We tried the raw patties as well, and nothing.

We have gotten her to eat about 1/2 of 1 meal (we feed them twice a day) once each day, but no more than that. She hasn't been lathargic or acting differently in any other way. No vomiting. She's still been pooping and drinking plenty of water. I've seen on here people say sometimes they don't need the food so they won't eat, but is there a point where it is worrisome, even if she's acting normally in every other way?

Also, we have been giving her the regular amount of treats, which she eats just fine. The wife also snuck her a little ham yesterday, just to make sure she would keep it down, and she ate that just fine.

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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

Juno's not eating :(  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juno's not eating :(    Juno's not eating :(  EmptyMon Apr 09, 2012 5:35 pm

Well we have been super warm here the last few days. like others have said in the past stop all treats and see if she will then eat dinner, with the summer months jack will eat less, sierra will eat anything and everything no matter what time of year. if there is no puking and no runs and everything else seems fine i would stop the treats and see what happens. maybe do her fav raw foods not the chicken or are you saying they don't like the liver, anyways do the fav one and see if after 2 days of no treats and still not eating maybe call for a vet. but my guess is she will eat if its the only food option.

Juno's not eating :(  Iaht10
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Male Join date : 2011-10-17
Location : Littleton, CO

Juno's not eating :(  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juno's not eating :(    Juno's not eating :(  EmptyMon Apr 09, 2012 5:37 pm

It's just the liver they don't like.

We'll stop the treats and hopefully she'll snap out of it.

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Comedic Relief

Male Join date : 2009-07-15

Juno's not eating :(  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juno's not eating :(    Juno's not eating :(  EmptyTue Apr 10, 2012 1:40 am

I'd be afraid to eat again if someone snuck liver into my dinner too. affraid
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Male Join date : 2011-10-17
Location : Littleton, CO

Juno's not eating :(  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Juno's not eating :(    Juno's not eating :(  EmptyTue Apr 10, 2012 11:23 am

Well luckily last night she ate a bit. Not at the normal dinner time, but right before bed, we tried some chicken breast again. Took her a bit to decide to eat it, but she ate a bit.

Poor Bleeker will eat anything anytime, and he was sitting next to her staring at her eating. Then he would look up at us, hoping we were bringing more food for him. Then look at Juno and lick his lips. Back up to us. We definitely gave him lots of praise for sitting patiently, and not trying to steal her food.
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Juno's not eating :(  Empty
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Juno's not eating :(

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