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 They still aren't really friends.

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Join date : 2011-12-21
Location : Kentucky

They still aren't really friends.   Empty
PostSubject: They still aren't really friends.    They still aren't really friends.   EmptySat Jan 07, 2012 12:25 pm

I brought Izabella home almost 3 weeks ago now and she and Keimo mostly just ignore each other. Keimo doesn't even like to be in the same room with her if he can get away. I know he's a little jealous, but I've actually been giving him even more attention than I did before she came home. They don't fight very much unless it's over food or toys. Occasionally they do seem to be playing... tails up, lots of growling, but they only do that about once every 2 or 3 days. What do you think? Do I just need to give it time? Ugh.... I hope I haven't made a mistake. I don't want to make poor old Keimo miserable! I just want them both to be happy!
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Female Join date : 2010-10-05
Location : Roanoke, VA

They still aren't really friends.   Empty
PostSubject: Re: They still aren't really friends.    They still aren't really friends.   EmptySat Jan 07, 2012 12:54 pm

from what i've read you can't guarantee two dogs living together will really play. but it seems like its been too short of a time and everyone is probably still adjusting. these things take time. my old grouchy lab/pit mix is finally, after 10+ weeks, getting used to the rat terrier puppy i got. he doesnt constantly growl or snap at him anymore so i'd say we're making progress. he even initializes play every once in a while. when i got my husky it took them forever to get along. i wouldnt say they are best buddies but i havent had a fight in years and they do play sometimes. but i think they enjoy each others company
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Join date : 2011-12-21
Location : Kentucky

They still aren't really friends.   Empty
PostSubject: Re: They still aren't really friends.    They still aren't really friends.   EmptySat Jan 07, 2012 2:01 pm

Well, that gives me some hope... I know it will probably take lots of time, but I was really hoping that they would keep each other company while I'm at work. Keimo's been the only dog for 7 years... I guess I shouldn't really expect him to be happy with a "sister" overnight. He's always loved being with other dogs when we go somewhere else.
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Ms. Amicable

Female Join date : 2009-05-20
Location : Glenville, NY

They still aren't really friends.   Empty
PostSubject: Re: They still aren't really friends.    They still aren't really friends.   EmptySat Jan 07, 2012 2:34 pm

Haha. I will start by saying that what you are experiencing is totally normal Smile We have several threads around here about new dogs coming in and owners being afraid that they will never get along, etc. What I like to do is share our story.

Koda's a bit intense. He's what some would consider "dominant"... he's what I consider "socially retarded." He was a stray for the first few months of his life and never really learned social skills, so finding a dog that matched his personality was tough. We found Hailey. We rescued her from a family that neglected her. We let them play in Hailey's old yard and although there were some barks, they ran around and chased each other and didn't get into any scuffles so we took her home.

The moment we got her home, she wouldn't let Koda near her. She would GROWL. And I mean bare her teeth, warning growl. He couldn't look at her the wrong way or she'd be on the defensive. The first week we had her, there was a legitimate fight everyday. Teeth, hair flying, needing to break them up fights (we believe in letting them fight/work it out on their own, but there are moments when it's clear that someone needs to step in and they had these moments daily). To help, I took away ALL TOYS and they were fed under close supervision. Hailey was a guarder when we first got her. She still does to some extent, but not to the point of fighting anymore. So no toys. It's best not to give them a reason to fight. Feeding was structured and for a while Hailey was fed by hand. She was reprimanded if she even LOOKED at Koda's bowl. But they were always fed right next to each other.

Every day it got a little bit better or stayed the same. Never worse. A fight everyday turned into every other day, which turned into once a week, once every two weeks, once a month, until I can't remember the last time they truly fought. And my two are INSEPARABLE. Hailey will CRY HER HEART OUT if Koda is not with her (separate vet appts, or if John takes him running). And if you had seen them Hailey's first month, you would have never guessed it. Never.

So... my advice is always the same. Breathe. Your stress and concern will only hurt the situation, but give them time. Honestly? Rescues/adoptions take a good 6 months to truly feel comfortable and come out of their shells. We as people don't always accept that. But they will learn. Unless they are drawing blood on a daily basis, there are very few pairings that I would say "This isn't going to work out."

Good luck Smile

It's a husky thing... you wouldn't understand.

They still aren't really friends.   Hailey10
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Comedic Relief

Male Join date : 2009-07-15

They still aren't really friends.   Empty
PostSubject: Re: They still aren't really friends.    They still aren't really friends.   EmptySat Jan 07, 2012 3:34 pm

Great piece you just put here, Tori.

Even treat worthy!
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Male Join date : 2010-09-22
Location : Moore, OK

They still aren't really friends.   Empty
PostSubject: Re: They still aren't really friends.    They still aren't really friends.   EmptySat Jan 07, 2012 3:56 pm

Ditto Tori's great advice. You must stay calm, confident and in charge. Walks together, short at first, then car rides together or trips together to the dog park.
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Ms. Amicable

Female Join date : 2009-05-20
Location : Glenville, NY

They still aren't really friends.   Empty
PostSubject: Re: They still aren't really friends.    They still aren't really friends.   EmptySat Jan 07, 2012 4:06 pm

Aw, shucks guys Embarassed

It's a husky thing... you wouldn't understand.

They still aren't really friends.   Hailey10
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Male Join date : 2010-12-22
Location : Portland, OR

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PostSubject: Re: They still aren't really friends.    They still aren't really friends.   EmptySat Jan 07, 2012 4:10 pm

Incredibly wise and kind advice, Tori!
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Husky Collector

Female Join date : 2009-12-13
Location : South Fl

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PostSubject: Re: They still aren't really friends.    They still aren't really friends.   EmptySat Jan 07, 2012 4:15 pm

It will take time. Initially Odin seemed as though he liked the other dogs but after the first few days just ignored them. That went on for a few months. Now he's a different dog. He and Mickey stalk each other all the time and they face wrestle daily. Odin will even play with the girls every now and then. Rodeo is even now getting into it with them and the 3 boys will chase each other and play. Just takes time.

Something that seems to work for a lot of things is group walks. They work wonders!

Force Free Training Thread
Cheyenne, Mishka, Mickey, Rodeo, & Odin
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Join date : 2011-12-21
Location : Kentucky

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PostSubject: Re: They still aren't really friends.    They still aren't really friends.   EmptySat Jan 07, 2012 4:49 pm

Ya'll are great! I feel so much better after reading your comments. They don't fight much. Only about 3 times (major...fur flying ones) in as many weeks, but they just sort of ignore each other. I guess we're doing pretty good. I want Izabella to come out of her shell more... but she acts like she might have been abused. My dad was here and he clapped his hands for Keimo and Bella tucked tail and ran. She was very shy with him even before that. She's such a loving girl... but she seems like maybe she's been through a lot. I just have to remember to be patient. Thanks for the support guys!
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

They still aren't really friends.   Empty
PostSubject: Re: They still aren't really friends.    They still aren't really friends.   EmptySat Jan 07, 2012 9:41 pm

Amen to Tori's advice!!! It took us MONTHS for Mya to finally fully accept Kody. She would ignore him for the first few weeks also. If he was in the room she would leave and go to another. She was acting so depressed and as if she didn't like him AT ALL. Ask Tori how concerned I was! I listened to everybody's advice and they're fine now. Mya is "special" though and Kody totally respects her so it works out. If she growls at him he'll move over like "ok ok". They've gotten into their little spats here and there, but nothing serious. They go on walks together, sleep in bed with us, play, etc. The only issues that we have is when there's people food around. They will fight over a piece of dropped food Rolling Eyes We just have to be very cautious!

You'll be fine. Just takes time Smile
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Join date : 2011-12-21
Location : Kentucky

They still aren't really friends.   Empty
PostSubject: Re: They still aren't really friends.    They still aren't really friends.   EmptySun Jan 08, 2012 2:57 am

Melissa, that is exactly what Keimo does! He goes to another room almost everytime Bella comes in! But, I think it's getting better. As of right now, they are about 5 ft. apart... one laying on each side of where I'm sitting. Smile Ya'll are making me feel so much better. Keimo's my baby and even though I already love Bella, Keimo will always be my "special" baby and I don't want him to be unhappy... this was his home first. Now I am assured that it will all be ok and eventually both babies will be happy! Very Happy
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Join date : 2011-12-21
Location : Kentucky

They still aren't really friends.   Empty
PostSubject: Re: They still aren't really friends.    They still aren't really friends.   EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 12:47 am

WooHoo! We had a breakthrough today... both dogs went to their bowls, side by side at the same time without fussing. They also played together for a while this evening! They went outside together and came back in together! I'm hoping this is the turning point. Bella's been with us for right at a month now Very Happy
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Female Join date : 2012-01-06
Location : Port St Lucie, FL

They still aren't really friends.   Empty
PostSubject: Re: They still aren't really friends.    They still aren't really friends.   EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 1:04 am

That's great to hear bounce
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They still aren't really friends.   Empty
PostSubject: Re: They still aren't really friends.    They still aren't really friends.   Empty

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They still aren't really friends.

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