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 General winter bitchyness or an age thing

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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

General winter bitchyness or an age thing Empty
PostSubject: General winter bitchyness or an age thing   General winter bitchyness or an age thing EmptySat Jan 25, 2020 11:51 pm

So spider will be 5 in feb. In the last few weeks she has been resource guarding and its brand new. Its the normal food toy thing and then the non normal like me my hubby. Its not the normal winter wolf syndrome but the general bitchyness is worse. So squirt started having issues at the age of 5 and now i wonder what is going on with spider. Do huskies go crazy at a point like alot of spaniels do?
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

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PostSubject: Re: General winter bitchyness or an age thing   General winter bitchyness or an age thing EmptyMon Jan 27, 2020 3:09 pm

They don't typically go crazy but they do change with age. Kenzi has mellowed a bit. There are things that still get under her skin but in general she is more open to letting other people pet her. Meanwhile, keno the love bug, has become more fearful with age and eyesight loss. Females, fixed or not, do have some hormone changes with age as well.

General winter bitchyness or an age thing Huskyf10
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

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PostSubject: Re: General winter bitchyness or an age thing   General winter bitchyness or an age thing EmptyMon Jan 27, 2020 3:33 pm

So some other things on the spider end that makes me think false pregnancy. She is resource guarding EVERYTHING including splinter doorways couches spots on the floor. Shes been in the crate a bit more and today when i was rubbing her belly i noticed some yellow crust on a few of her nipples. She went into heat in oct and its a little early for it to happen again.

Winter wolf for her is she gets whiny and clingy and extremely territorial and most of the time as clingy as she is, its about being near me or my hubby and not about actual attention.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

General winter bitchyness or an age thing Empty
PostSubject: Re: General winter bitchyness or an age thing   General winter bitchyness or an age thing EmptyMon Jan 27, 2020 5:32 pm

Kenzi has sporadic heats. They don't come "on time" and she will have false pregnancies. Each year is a bit different. Sometimes she will come in and hoard toys and guard and be horrible, sometimes she may whine for weeks, sometimes it's like nothing has happened but she will just not eat. Dogs that have false pregnancies are just weird and inconsistent.

General winter bitchyness or an age thing Huskyf10
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

General winter bitchyness or an age thing Empty
PostSubject: Re: General winter bitchyness or an age thing   General winter bitchyness or an age thing EmptyMon Jan 27, 2020 5:56 pm

Jenn, just an observation, women with real pregnancies are also weird and inconsistent. Unless food is involved than they are very consistent. As in, if she doesn't get fed, get ready for Cujo lol!
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Male Join date : 2017-11-03
Location : North Carolina, USA

General winter bitchyness or an age thing Empty
PostSubject: Re: General winter bitchyness or an age thing   General winter bitchyness or an age thing EmptyTue Jan 28, 2020 10:54 pm

Very Happy
I was like Cujo if I didn’t get my Pistachio ice cream!
And I haven’t eaten it much after I gave birth...
just lost the craving. Pregnancy is so weird!

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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

General winter bitchyness or an age thing Empty
PostSubject: Re: General winter bitchyness or an age thing   General winter bitchyness or an age thing EmptySat Feb 01, 2020 11:15 pm

So today spider is acting like she doesnt feel good tonight. Much earlier today she was super hyper so we let her out before we left or tried to leave. So went to leave and splinter runs to the truck and spider drags me to the truck and thats where things went all sorts of wrong. Splinter gets in and spider has a freak out started going backwards and slipped her collar and ran to the door. So we try it again she gets about 40 ft from the door and freaks out and drags me back to the front door. So we try again this time with treats get to the same spot about 40 ft from the door and will not go 1 more step forward even with steak. So we kinda gave up for the moment and will try again tomorrow. The fear and stubbornness being stronger then the food drive is a wolfy trait. So fast forward about 8 hours i put her leash on her to go walk to the mailbox and she refused to go out the door. She didnt eat tonight and really not interested in treats or howling (she did wolf down a hamburger) and her tail carriage is slightly different. Shes also been hanging out in the crate more then usual, sleeping more curled in a ball instead of legs in the air on her back and both the boys seem to be pissing her off. I always worry about parvo relapse even though i was told it would be minor unlike when she got parvo as a puppy. But no vomiting or other gi issues. I gave her some coconut oil in her food the last few days and now as i type she is acting normal but 20 mins ago she was not acting normal. And no she didnt get into my pot again but she did eat a basil plant a few days ago.

And its probably not helping that even though soma is not an opiate it has been grouped as one and they took me off it and put me on gabapentin and i havent felt right and i know she picks up on it. Hypomanic with a side of angry has me wondering if the benefits are worth the side effects. Not to get political but politics should have no say in medical care and with Medicare comes politicians with no medical background dictating what my doctor can and cant prescribe. And the irony of the soma was they offered me oxycontin on the same appointment they said they wouldnt write for soma and now im back to being a human Guinea pig.
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

General winter bitchyness or an age thing Empty
PostSubject: Re: General winter bitchyness or an age thing   General winter bitchyness or an age thing EmptySun Feb 02, 2020 7:43 pm

Will the give you cyclobenzaprine? (Flexeril generic). Was the only thing that helped me when I had all the issues with the contracture in my obturator internus. Opioids did nothing, heat was a minor help, muscle relaxant saved the day. Though, somnolance a problem. But if you take it scheduled, after a week or so you should develop tachyphylaxis and adapt.
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

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PostSubject: Re: General winter bitchyness or an age thing   General winter bitchyness or an age thing EmptySun Feb 02, 2020 10:25 pm

So i have flexeril meloxicam gabapentin lidocaine patches and various methods of cbd. Also my medical marijuana card. I think i have zanaflex somewhere. Ive had some things that worked really well like dry needles but my insurance decided to only cover 8 appointments a year. Most of the things that help are just not practical. I discovered when i had back surgery that after the 3rd dose opiates dont work. I thought benzodiazepines worked until i realized they just made me forget it hurt and did stupid stuff.

So not so much for pain but ive been looking at whole health stuff like adaptogens broccoli sprouts gaba amino holy basil, and then some stuff that is actually really dangerous and not legal in the usa involving stem cells. So far quite a few people in the trial have died. Its similar to a bone marrow transplant, it could potentially cure autoimmune issues but right now its a 70% chance i die and a 30% im either better or the same. I dont like those odds. My spine doc keeps mentioning either going to Arkansas for ketamine infusions or have radio frequency ablation. Really i need a nice strong central nervous system depressant, its a shame i dont drink alcohol is one of the best. And then i wonder if anyone really knows what is going on with me. I feel like the big picture got lost in a the details. I just dont believe that i have 3 autoimmune disorders and fibromyalgia. And all of it cleared up after 2 doses of humira and for the last few years that has been the goal but somehow i ended up with tb and had to stop it and since the tb i have tried it again and ended up having to stop it because of pneumonia and the flu at the same time. I still dont know how in 2018 that i caught tb.
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

General winter bitchyness or an age thing Empty
PostSubject: Re: General winter bitchyness or an age thing   General winter bitchyness or an age thing EmptySun Feb 02, 2020 10:54 pm

Tb is a problem. Still.

My mom had an ablation and it was a game changer for her. Her spine was trashed AND whacked. Trashed from arthritis and whacked with an "impressive" acquired scoliosis. And full of osteoporosis. Because of it she had terrible, unrelenting leg pain. The ablation took care of it.

I'm sorry the mab created problems for you.
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

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PostSubject: Re: General winter bitchyness or an age thing   General winter bitchyness or an age thing EmptyMon Feb 03, 2020 12:59 am

The really sad thing is from what i was told the jra workup started when i was 3, and had the diagnosis of juvenile seronegative spondylo arthropothy (spelling maybe wrong) at age 6... i dont remember a day in my life that the pain issue wasn't an issue. Its also why im running out of options with meds.

So did your mom have any issues with the ablation? And what is the down time on it?
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

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PostSubject: Re: General winter bitchyness or an age thing   General winter bitchyness or an age thing EmptyMon Feb 03, 2020 5:28 pm

No issues. Done in a day. But, she was in her 80's, not particularly active with heart disease. But it did solve the pain running down her leg. Just choose someone who's done a lot of them and has a good track record. As I understand it you'll lose sensation on that nerve distribution but not function. Though I personally have questions about how it effects proprioception. For me, not related to ablation but I have an expanding area of anesthesia down the outside of my right lower leg. For now, just mildly annoying and a curiosity. But I've asked my husband what happens if it gets into my foot, will it effect proprioception and screw up my balance. He doesn't have the answer to that.
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

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PostSubject: Re: General winter bitchyness or an age thing   General winter bitchyness or an age thing EmptyMon Feb 03, 2020 7:11 pm

When i fractured my l4 i lost all feeling in my leg. After about 2 days if i payed attention i could use my leg if i wasnt paying attention i fell. When they did the multi level epidurals to try to find exactly where and what was impinged and just like before i could walk if i gave it all my focus and i found using my hubbys walker was much easier.

The doc i see for my spine is very well known in the field and we were working towards figuring everything out when the tb happened. And we also agreed that we needed the arthritis under control, and he also figured out that the 2nd surgery basically was botched. And the only reason we even figured that out was he did both a normal and a standing mri and it only shows in standing mri, which also proved i wasnt crazy when over and over i was told really nothing was wrong. But i also get the things happen in a process. He really thinks the ablation will help and mainly after what happened with my second surgery im really nervous about something like that.
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

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PostSubject: Re: General winter bitchyness or an age thing   General winter bitchyness or an age thing EmptyTue Feb 04, 2020 4:17 pm

Maybe it's just me, but could we get a clue as to whether we're talking about human or canine bitches here??? << ducking >>

General winter bitchyness or an age thing S-event    General winter bitchyness or an age thing S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

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PostSubject: Re: General winter bitchyness or an age thing   General winter bitchyness or an age thing EmptyTue Feb 04, 2020 10:16 pm

@aljones i guess in my case its both... me and spider Very Happy
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