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 Well i left them out side today...

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Male Join date : 2009-06-18
Location : Red Deer AB Canada

Well i left them out side today... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well i left them out side today...   Well i left them out side today... - Page 2 EmptyMon Jul 06, 2009 4:58 pm

Koda wrote:

Your husky is a very very rare example of the breed. I say this just so any new owners do not get confused and think that walking their dog off leash is going to solve any problems Wink

You make a very good point. I have been told by almost every dog person we meet that thor is exceptional by any husky behavior standards, even our vet said that he is the calmest husky she has seen at any age and he was only just turned a year then. :-) I guess we are very lucky to have eachother.
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Forum Nazi and B*tcher

Male Join date : 2009-05-18
Location : Denver, CO

Well i left them out side today... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well i left them out side today...   Well i left them out side today... - Page 2 EmptyMon Jul 06, 2009 5:25 pm

jdouville wrote:
Koda wrote:

Your husky is a very very rare example of the breed. I say this just so any new owners do not get confused and think that walking their dog off leash is going to solve any problems Wink

You make a very good point. I have been told by almost every dog person we meet that thor is exceptional by any husky behavior standards, even our vet said that he is the calmest husky she has seen at any age and he was only just turned a year then. :-) I guess we are very lucky to have eachother.

Did you recently adopt him? I got Sitka when he was 10 months old and for the first 6 months that I had him he was perfectly fine being without a leash. Once he got comfortable being around me and he realized that I would come after him if he chose to walk away. Since then he can't be trusted off leash.

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Male Join date : 2009-06-18
Location : Red Deer AB Canada

Well i left them out side today... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well i left them out side today...   Well i left them out side today... - Page 2 EmptyMon Jul 06, 2009 7:30 pm

i've had him for 4 months, and he definitly knows that i can't catch him. But i have also made it a rule to never chase him when i am trying to get him to come to me. I take him to work with me and camping and stuff where he is always off leash, so he does his own thing while i'm busy and he ussually comes when i call him. If he doesn't come after i call him i just calmy walk up to him and grab him, if he runs away then i just go sit by my truck and have a smoke and he will see that i'm not going to play his game and he will either come to me or let me go to him. when i am walking him in the city off leash in the manner i mentioned above and he strays i use very loud commands and aggresive body language rather than chasing him, ussually he will get submissive very quickly. I also keep him within easy reach, if i can't grab his tail he is too far away. That way if something catches his attention i just grab his tail.
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