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 Potty Training

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Female Join date : 2016-12-06
Location : Dallas, TX

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PostSubject: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyMon Mar 06, 2017 4:48 pm

Ok so Koda has for the most part been fantastic about potty training, except he will randomly pee inside...

Let me go into more detail. He will go and sit by the door to go out, if I don't let him out quick enough he will come "get me" and run back to the door. Basically potty trained. However he will randomly just pee then go hide, like he knows he did something bad.

What is this? How do I correct this?
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyMon Mar 06, 2017 6:42 pm

To correct this he must either be in his crate if you can not watch him, or tethered to you. No free roam, that only encourages them to destroy things or defecate in your house.

On a side note, and not starting an argument, but is that an e-collar on Koda? If so he is far to young to have an e-collar, bark collar or electric fence collar on him, and can pose serious injury if used.
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Female Join date : 2016-12-06
Location : Dallas, TX

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyMon Mar 06, 2017 7:23 pm

No not an e collar its just the buckle of his collar.
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyMon Mar 06, 2017 7:49 pm

Holy cow that is a big buckle, lol. Hope you understood my advice on the potty training. Huskies need direction, and for the most part need rules or they will do as they please, just their independent nature. Smile
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Female Join date : 2016-12-06
Location : Dallas, TX

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyTue Mar 07, 2017 2:15 pm

I know, he needed to grow into the collar a little bit. It was too cute not to go ahead and put on him though.

I tethered him when I first got him, so he has never had to much freedom and he sticks pretty close to me. The issue is that he will sometimes just pee, its not him hiding because he will do it while he is looking at me. Most of the time his potty training is perfect its just these few instances where he is just being a stubborn brat :p
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Female Join date : 2017-03-23

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PostSubject: Pooping in the house and crate!! Ugh!   training - Potty Training EmptyTue Apr 04, 2017 6:21 pm

My Husky is 8 weeks old, and at the beginning she was doing great with pooping and peeing outside! Now I take her out and stay outside for about 15-20 minutes and she will only pee, then she will come inside and poop in the house!! Also, we only feed her one cup of food twice
a day, once in the morning once at night and she is pooping in her crate in the middle of the afternoon!! It's very frustrating! Some tell me what to do, or what I can do to stop this!! I know she is young and it will take some time, but I don't want her to get used to pooping in the crate and house!!

Also, I use puppy pads in the crate, do I need to stop that? Is that encouraging her to poop in the crate??
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Male Join date : 2017-03-30
Location : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyWed Apr 05, 2017 2:01 am

Hey apnorris!

Welcome to puppyhood Shocked  Looks like you're doing a great job so far.  Expect setbacks, I got Echo at 8 weeks, and he didn't have everything down until about 2-3 weeks later.  From what I read I was one of the lucky ones...don't believe the click bait videos you see online where they say you can potty train your dog in 1 day...Cool...not physically possible

Some reflections from your post...

  • Are you using a odor eliminator to clean up after your pet? Something like 'Natures Miracle' (Advanced Formula Pet Stain & Odor Remover) is formulated to eliminate organic stains and odors caused by pets that humans just can't smell with our nose...but a dog can.  And they typically will re-eliminate in a spot previously used before
  • How big of a crate do you use? Do you use a partition to make it smaller? If your crate is too large, often your dog will relieve themselves in one area and sleep in another...which isn't what you want.  The crate needs only to be large enough so it can turn around.
  • I personally wouldn't do puppy pads.  Or if you need to (i.e. for work etc..) I would only focus on puppy pads and transition to the crate once he's fully trained on the pads.  But this process ends up being longer, and more work in my opinion long term...Currently by using both, you're only confusing your dog as to what you want it to do.  You don't want her to pee/pooh in the crate, but it's ok for her to use the pad in the crate? Sounds confusing...
  • Puppies poop frequently no matter how how often you feed.  My puppy is 5 months right now and still poops almost 4-5 times a day!
  • If you catch them in the act, pick them up and rush them outside right away!

Other training methods I used to potty train my husky were as follows:

  • poochie bells - set of bells that are strung on your front door knob.  Ring the bells prior to potty sessions outside.  Eventually your dog will catch on that ringing the bells = potty break, and he will let you know by ringing the bells when he/she needs to go out
  • Use a leash - No play no dilly dallying.  Potty breaks are for potty only.  Do the business, praise and go back indoors.
  • Use the same location each time.  Helpful if there are other pee/pooh smells in the vicinity.  They are more inclined to go in the location where they smell other pee/pooh odors.

Hope this helps! Your puppy is only 8 weeks, so I would expect mistakes still.  It does get better I promise you.  Just stick to your guns, praise lots and best of luck!

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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyWed Apr 05, 2017 2:07 am

Alexis, your puppy will need to go out a minimum of every 2 hours, after she eats, after she plays, after she naps, and just because. How much time does she spend in her crate a day? Can you give us some more details on her day to day stuff? Also, 2 cups of food a day total fed twice a day seems a little on the light side, and more importantly puppies at this age need to be fed 3-4 times a day. What food are you feeding? I also would not allow puppy pads in the crate, it may indeed be encouraging her to potty there. Also do you tether her to you when she isn't in her crate? I guess really we need more info to help you out, sorry. Smile Oh and husky 911 gave some great advice as well. Smile
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Female Join date : 2017-03-23

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyWed Apr 05, 2017 10:53 am

5:25am- let her outside, she usually pees then I come back in and feed her, 30 minutes later, I take her out, she won't poop or pee, then comes in the house and does it!

8:00am my fiancé takes her out, she usually pees

12:00pm he comes home from work and takes her out, she does nothing

2:00pm: I come home and there is poop all in the cage (only sometimes) after I get home, I let her out every two hours, she is good after I get home, she will nap and then we go out, play, we go out! But we live in an apartment complex and there are always people outside wanting to play with her and there for she gets distracted from potty time and thinks it's play time. I am trying to establish the difference between the two!

6:30pm- we feed her then thirty minutes later we take her out to use the bathroom

12:30am- my fiancé takes her out to pee, she goes to sleep, and starts the day over.

What can I do to help with this schedule?
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyWed Apr 05, 2017 2:16 pm

Alexis, as Husky 911 mentioned about the crate, make sure it is small enough to have pup turn around and that is it, with out the puppy pads, that should squash the messing in crate. When she is not in her crate, have her tethered to you so you can see her cues as to when she needs to potty. Whenever she potties outside, praise her like crazy, this way she understands great things happen when she potties outside. When you take her out, heave her on leash and use a command, like go potty, if she is distracted a simple eheh go potty and when she does praise. Take her back inside, and then go back out for play, so she starts to understand which is which. Also when she is stubborn and you take her out, you may have to wait it out and remind her to go potty. For my gsd, because she was God awful on potty, my husky girl was great, but for my gsd I had 2 separate commands, go potty for pee and finish potty for poop, that may work for you.
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Female Join date : 2017-03-23

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyWed Apr 05, 2017 2:36 pm

I may try that! And her crate is small enough, we just took the puppy pads out and just have a towel in there for comfort right now and he hasn't peed or pooped in the crate since then! So thank you all! Also, I feel like it is hard to establish play time and potty time! Because I live in an apartment complex and when I take her out to play, I still want her to potty while we are outside as well!
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyWed Apr 05, 2017 3:18 pm

Alexis, for the time being I would personally separate the two, even if you take her out to potty wait 5 minutes then go back out to play. I know that sucks, but my gsd didn't get it, and wanted to play instead of going potty first, and that's when I got accidents in the house. I indeed learned the hard way on that, and she was not fully potty trained until around 5 months, and then the light bulb came on for me, once I separated potty from play, all went great.
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Female Join date : 2017-03-23

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyWed Apr 05, 2017 4:13 pm

I will definitely do that then!! Thank you!
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Join date : 2017-04-12

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyFri Apr 14, 2017 8:37 am

Any tips for what to do with accidents with the pup. My Husky is just past 10 weeks now and is really good about peeing outside. Mostly good with poop but does have accidents. I try and clean those accidents up, take them outside so Asher smells where they should go before getting rid of them.

The big challenge I have is that he gets very aggressive when cleaning up messes inside the house. Is it better separate him from the mess area?
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Male Join date : 2017-03-30
Location : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyFri Apr 14, 2017 10:37 am

Hey ldnk!

Wow...going above and beyond taking his accidents outside so Asher smells them Razz   Oh the things we'd do for our fur babies...

For me, I want to clean the mess up as fast as possible.  You really don't want him to associate any accidents with his living area.  Echo used to get excited about sniffing the area, and would end up stepping in it and tracking it all over the house Neutral .  So yea, if your husky is aggressive I would separate him so you can clean it ASAP.  The last thing you need is for Asher to step in poop and run off... Rolling Eyes

***Make sure you use a pet odor eliminator.  It goes a LONG way.  You can scrub the area with everything you got but that nose of theirs can always smell where they've urinated/defecated in the past, and re-offend in that same area.

Good luck!
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyFri Apr 14, 2017 11:47 am

I would start taking this time to work on leave it and sit/stay. He probably thinks you being bent down on the floor with towels or bins in hand is an invite to play or he thinks the cleaning utensils are toys and wants after them. You can move him away but I personally would start using it as a teaching moment for other things you are going to want him to learn. Leave it being a big one.

training - Potty Training Huskyf10
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Join date : 2017-04-12

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyFri Apr 14, 2017 2:20 pm

TwisterII wrote:
I would start taking this time to work on leave it and sit/stay. He probably thinks you being bent down on the floor with towels or bins in hand is an invite to play or he thinks the cleaning utensils are toys and wants after them. You can move him away but I personally would start using it as a teaching moment for other things you are going to want him to learn. Leave it being a big one.

Makes sense. Appreciate it.
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Join date : 2017-04-12

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyFri Apr 14, 2017 2:21 pm

Husky911 wrote:
Hey ldnk!

Wow...going above and beyond taking his accidents outside so Asher smells them Razz   Oh the things we'd do for our fur babies...

For me, I want to clean the mess up as fast as possible.  You really don't want him to associate any accidents with his living area.  Echo used to get excited about sniffing the area, and would end up stepping in it and tracking it all over the house Neutral .  So yea, if your husky is aggressive I would separate him so you can clean it ASAP.  The last thing you need is for Asher to step in poop and run off... Rolling Eyes

***Make sure you use a pet odor eliminator.  It goes a LONG way.  You can scrub the area with everything you got but that nose of theirs can always smell where they've urinated/defecated in the past, and re-offend in that same area.

Good luck!

Absolutely. I have a shipping container full of Natures Miracle.
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyFri Apr 14, 2017 2:33 pm

ldnk wrote:

Absolutely.  I have a shipping container full of Natures Miracle.
Quoting my mother: "If I've told you once, I've told you a gazillion times! Don't exaggerate!" You are exaggerating, aren't you?? Smile

training - Potty Training S-event    training - Potty Training S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Join date : 2017-02-16
Location : United Kingdom

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyThu May 11, 2017 11:08 am


My pup is now 7 and a half months. Shes doing really well, throughout the day we never have accidents and she goes straight to the door for the toilet. She isn't in a crate and sleeps at the bottom of the stairs/ hallway. When i wake in the morning at 6.15 she has been to the toilet all over the hall way floor. this has started again the past few weeks. I am thinking whether i should get up with her in the night to let her out to toilet but i haven't done this for a few months and she would usually wait until i got up to let her out. its just the past few weeks she has not waited. does anyone have any suggestions for me please?
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Male Join date : 2016-09-01
Location : Pierre, SD

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyThu May 11, 2017 12:16 pm

A sudden change in bathroom habits would be a bit concerning. You may want to have the vet take a look at her. Could be a UTI.
At 7 months, a dog should be able to make it about 8 hours. Are you pushing this? Does she have access to water at night? Heavy drinking before bed or access to water at night could be causing the issue.
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Join date : 2017-02-16
Location : United Kingdom

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PostSubject: Re: Potty Training   training - Potty Training EmptyThu May 11, 2017 12:50 pm

Yes i have wondered why she has just started to do this as for the past 2 months she has gone all night without an accident. She has no access to water at night i take her bowl up around 8pm and she goes out around 10pm before bed time.
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