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 Training to Pull

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Female Join date : 2016-11-03
Location : Upstate NY

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PostSubject: Training to Pull   training - Training to Pull EmptyFri Feb 03, 2017 6:27 pm

So I'm very interested in training my pup to pull, most specifically I'd like to try rollerblading or bikejoring with him now that he's over a year old. Looking for tips on training the directional cues or resources (i.e. books, blogs, websites) on the topic.

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Female Join date : 2012-02-09
Location : Manitoba, Canada

training - Training to Pull Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training to Pull   training - Training to Pull EmptyThu Feb 16, 2017 11:22 pm

I've been starting mine with training to pull. I first show him the different between the harness and his collar. Collar means we walk nicely, harness means we pull. I'm no expert, i'm just going off of what my dog responds to, but we went skating the other day, two leashes, one on the harness, other on the collar. Held onto the leash attached to the collar and let him go, the leash attached to the collar was slack, I used it for direction, which you then associate a word with the direction you are wanting to turn (helps to practice this while going for walks as well) I believe it's Gi and Ha, but please don't ask which is left and which is right, because I just guess. (I could also be completely off, but you can honestly train any word you want for left and right as long as it is consistent)
A huskies natural instinct is to pull (usually) so it's pretty much taking that instinct and controlling it so the dog goes where you want him too. I found a book on Amazon, "Mush! Revised: A Beginners Manual of Sled Dog Training", I haven't read the whole thing yet, but there were some helpful tips on it for sure. It's only $10.00 for the book, so not terrible. I am also looking for new ways of training my dog to pull, so if you end up finding more information or something super helpful, I would love it if you would post it on here. Smile
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Female Join date : 2016-11-03
Location : Upstate NY

training - Training to Pull Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training to Pull   training - Training to Pull EmptyFri Feb 17, 2017 11:17 am

Oh, cool I never thought of teaching it that way. I have been using the commands when we go out for walks. I'll have to check out that book! I'll keep you posted as we continue to work on it.
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Male Join date : 2016-09-01
Location : Pierre, SD

training - Training to Pull Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training to Pull   training - Training to Pull EmptyFri Feb 17, 2017 12:10 pm

I would suggest waiting till age 2 before actually using the dog to pull any heavy weight (this includes people). And I would suggest not pulling anything until the dog is at least a year. You want to make sure the growth plates are closed. I would also recommend a good checkup with a vet that includes some questions about if the dog is healthy enough to pull. Any muscle, bone, or joint issues would only be made worse by pulling.

Assuming that your dog is over a year, you could start training. This is a long process that needs to be done slowly so the dog can build up the muscles it needs to do this activity safely.
I'd suggest using a harness and use it only full pulling. This way the dog learns that a regular collar means walks (no pulling), and that the harness means pulling.
Start by pulling small weights. A snow sled on grass is a good start. Then over a long period of time you can increase the resistance by putting weight in the sled (bricks, rocks, etc).
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Female Join date : 2012-02-09
Location : Manitoba, Canada

training - Training to Pull Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training to Pull   training - Training to Pull EmptyFri Feb 17, 2017 12:22 pm

After 1 year of age most vets will clear a dog for training to pulling, even people. But you can double check with your vet. I'm not a vet myself, but my vet as cleared my dogs once they were 1. I guess it depends on the vet. There is also a difference between a person sitting on a sled and the dog pulling that person and person on skates or rollerblades gliding behind the dog. Again, check with your vet.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

training - Training to Pull Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training to Pull   training - Training to Pull EmptyFri Feb 17, 2017 2:46 pm

GenaG wrote:
... I used it for direction, which you then associate a word with the direction you are wanting to turn (helps to practice this while going for walks as well) I believe it's Gi and Ha, but please don't ask which is left and which is right, because I just guess. (I could also be completely off, but you can honestly train any word you want for left and right as long as it is consistent)

"Gee" is right. "Haw" is left. choosing your own won't matter much unless you ever get a dog that comes from a race kennel or is already directional trained. Or if you are dealing with horses. Many carriage and draft horses are trained to the same words.

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Female Join date : 2012-02-09
Location : Manitoba, Canada

training - Training to Pull Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training to Pull   training - Training to Pull EmptyFri Feb 17, 2017 2:52 pm

Okay, so I was close.
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