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 Pup introduction advice

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Join date : 2016-12-26

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PostSubject: Pup introduction advice   Pup introduction advice EmptyMon Dec 26, 2016 8:05 pm

Hi all,

My family have recently added a new pup to the mix. Our current boy (Loken) is taking the whole thing really well, is very relaxed and not agressive in any way, however the new pup (Link) seems to be terrified of him.

We believe he may not have been socialised very well as it was an unplanned pregnancy to begin with and there have been a few things which have happened that show warning signs (seemed like he was touching grass for the first time / every slight noise makes him jumpy etc).

Over the past week we have been keeping the 2 dogs separated with brief interactions, however they have been able to see each other through a glass door and they just look at each other. The pup barked constantly at the older male, but that has slowed down.

In our 3rd attempt of getting them in a face to face situation Loken stood up, and attempted to sniff the pup... this resulted in the pup pooping himself in fear.

Has anyone had a similar situation and does it resolve itself in time? Or are some dogs just scared their whole lives?
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Pup introduction advice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pup introduction advice   Pup introduction advice EmptyMon Dec 26, 2016 8:40 pm

A bit of miscellaneous information would be of help;
Probably not consequential but are they both Huskies?
Male / female?
And most important, what are their ages?
Unplanned pregnancy would indicate a BYB so how old was Link when he was separated from his litter mates?

At first blush, Link sounds like a puppy who was removed from his litter mates much too early and never socialized.  It's easily enough overcome, just takes time to build up his confidence.

Pup introduction advice S-event    Pup introduction advice S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Join date : 2016-12-26

Pup introduction advice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pup introduction advice   Pup introduction advice EmptyMon Dec 26, 2016 9:07 pm

aljones wrote:
A bit of miscellaneous information would be of help;
Probably not consequential but are they both Huskies?
Male / female?
And most important, what are their ages?
Unplanned pregnancy would indicate a BYB so how old was Link when he was separated from his litter mates?

At first blush, Link sounds like a puppy who was removed from his litter mates much too early and never socialized.  It's easily enough overcome, just takes time to build up his confidence.

Loken is a 1yr old male husky, and Link is a 9wk husky x mal.

His confidence has built a lot in people day by day, but it's almost like there's a trigger with large dogs because whenever he see's Loken he goes into panic mode, even with Loken lying down away from him.
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Pup introduction advice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pup introduction advice   Pup introduction advice EmptyTue Dec 27, 2016 2:10 am

Al will come back to give suggestions, he has more experience in the multi dog meetings than myself. However, I do have experience with adult to puppy meetings. if you have a yard and it safe from items like parvo, giardia, etc, then I would start training puppy on leash, this helps build confidence, praise and use kibble only for training. Over working the tummy when you have a fear pooper, it is best to use some of the daily allotment for training. Outside training gives a different environment to the puppy, it has distractions, noises, cars, and perhaps other dogs. Whenever he does something good praise, like walking nice on leash, you have to build up confidence. After positive outside training, have someone take the older husky on leash, around the yard too, keep them apart, but where the little one can see him, praise if he shows no reaction. Build up this encounter, until no reaction, lots of praise and where you can introduce off leash. You must have a safe environment tho, safe fenced in yard. How old was he when taken from his litter? It may take time, so I hope you don't give up, and your current situation is doable, for them being apart. Hoping others can chime in with some ideas. Smile
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

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PostSubject: Re: Pup introduction advice   Pup introduction advice EmptyTue Dec 27, 2016 1:54 pm

I would crate train. Give the pup a place he can retreat to that he feels safe while still being in a position to get used to the smell of the other dog and observe the other dog inside (I assume they are both indoor dogs). Mostly it's just a time thing. He will get brave, especially as time goes by and the resident mammoth doesn't eat him. Create good experiences when the older dog is near. Better treats, play time with favorite toy as long as older dog isn't toy possessive.

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