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 PTSD going outside issues.

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Join date : 2016-04-12

PTSD going outside issues. Empty
PostSubject: PTSD going outside issues.   PTSD going outside issues. EmptyTue Apr 12, 2016 11:52 pm

I have a Siberian husky that turned two last Wednesday. She was the runt of the litter and only 28 lbs. We've had her for just over a year. She was attacked by another husky during the night the day we were going to pick her up and we've been struggling with getting her to go outside on a leash since. She wasn't found until the next morning with her left hip torn from hip to haunches. She had staples and a drainage tube. She is scared to death until we get about a block away from our house and when she hears us get the leash out she hides under the bed/table/behind the recliner. She gets along great with our other husky and goes crazy when we say we're going to the dog park and is perfectly fine on and off leash going to, at and going home from the dog park, but we don't want to take advantage or ruin her enthusiasm for the dog park getting her to go outside. She is not treat or toy driven. In the morning she would rather hold it than go outside and will hide under the bed or in her kennel. I can understand that being on a leash makes her feel vulnerable but for it to be selective is confusing. She is extremely loved and we are very patient with her. Has anyone had similar experience or have any suggestions as to how we can break this fear? I've posted on a similar forum before and the resounding recommendation was to be patient but it has been a year and it has only gotten worse, if anything. Any suggestions are more than welcome!
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

PTSD going outside issues. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PTSD going outside issues.   PTSD going outside issues. EmptyWed Apr 13, 2016 12:53 am

So the attack happened at her previous home? Was she on a leash? Hmmmmm.....I haven't a huge amount of help for you. She only weighs 28 pounds at 2 years old?

My girl was attacked by a pitt mix when she was 8 months old. She had a bruised neck, but nothing like your girls. I babied her that day. But the next day I acted as if nothing ever happened. she never really had any type of reaction there after.

I would do things in a positive happy way. Praise her...good girl go potty, good girl get your leash....positive reinforcement is a great motivator. On your end, she may notice that you are anxious about putting her leash on, so you need to stay positive and not let off negative vibes. Lastly if it is a standard leash, maybe try a harness and see if that works, not positive but a harness can be left on all day, as long as you are around, and the actual leash is unclipped when she isn't outside. I wish you luck and welcome to the forum, hope to hear back from you.

Edit to really doesn't sound like she is bothered by the attack, to me it's something else, since she is fine walking on leash to the dog park, and she has no adverse reactions to other dogs and specifically other huskies. I think knowing how her life was prior to you getting her, would be beneficial in helping you.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

PTSD going outside issues. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PTSD going outside issues.   PTSD going outside issues. EmptyWed Apr 13, 2016 9:05 am

What kind of area was she attacked in and where did the offensive dog come from, as in did it come from behind the bushes and sneak up on her? Or around the corner of a building? It maybe that she is more in fear of what can jump out of tight spaces around your house if there are hedges or short walls or such that could hide a rushing dog. Once she is out and away the closed off feeling of not being able to escape a potential attack lessens and she is better able to relax. I would focus on making sure that good things happen near the front door. High value treats only get given when she goes onto the leash or stands outside the door. If she has a toy she loves to play with let her play with it in the trouble zone for her. Something to take her mind off the area she is nervous of.

PTSD going outside issues. Huskyf10
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

PTSD going outside issues. Empty
PostSubject: Re: PTSD going outside issues.   PTSD going outside issues. EmptyWed Apr 13, 2016 9:43 am

Jenn, I particularly like your comments.  Most of the dogs I've had for years (and I mean years) have been rescues and each has had their share of baggage.  

I think that what bothers me about this is the OP's feeling that things have gotten worse rather than better.  Which shouldn't happen unless they are unintentionally reinforcing the fear.

There's another part that *really* bothers me: she "just turned two" and "we've had her for just over a year".  That means that the dog was with the previous owner (or more?) for about a year and the dog is exhibiting signs of having been severely abused in the house.  So I echo Amy's request for more information about the previous owner(s).  I find it difficult, not impossible just very difficult, to accept that a good owner could have a dog fight that resulted in "her left hip torn from hip to haunches" and not be aware of it "until the next morning."

Both you and Amy stress, and I will as well, that making the experience of going out a 'good thing' will help immensely but I think there are some more basic issues that might need to be addressed.

@Ooleycs this might be counterproductive so I'll just ask it as a question, have you ever had her leashed in the house and left the leash on her?  If you have how did she react?  What I'm looking for here is the answer to the question: Is she afraid of the leash or the person holding the leash?  In either case desensetizing her to the leash might be a big first step.  You said that she's fine if you tell her she's going to the dog park so I really don't think the leash itself is the problem (rereading your original message) so there is some inherent fear of the immediate area outside your house - which Jenn has questioned.

I think that what we're all saying is that we can sympathize with your challenges and a fearful dog ... but we need to know more history if you can.

PTSD going outside issues. S-event    PTSD going outside issues. S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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