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 trying a new raw diet and looking for thawing tips

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Male Join date : 2014-07-27
Location : Fairbanks, AK

trying a new raw diet and looking for thawing tips Empty
PostSubject: trying a new raw diet and looking for thawing tips   trying a new raw diet and looking for thawing tips EmptyTue Nov 10, 2015 6:37 pm

Hey everyone,

I've been using Darwin's RAW diet for the last year and it's been great. They send everything in nicely portioned packages which makes it super easy to thaw and serve.
However, it's pretty expensive especially with shipping all the way up here to Alaska.

I've found a local supplier that sells products by Champaine which a lot of local mushers successfully use up here. It's a lot cheaper and the best part is NO shipping costs since it's local.

today I purchased a 50 pound frozen block of their "Race Diet - Red". Has anyone dealt with anything similar to large frozen blocks before?
Looking for the best way to portion/serve this.

I'm just feeding one dog, Aurora, and she currently eats about 1 pound a day.

Thanks for any tips and here is also a description of what I'm trying out first... (they have other options I'll eventually try as well but just starting with this)

62% Beef, 21% Liver, 10% Egg, 3% Corn oil, 2% Wheat germ oil, 2% Steamed bone meal.
Feed analysis:
48% protein, 43% Fat, 2646 Cal/Lb. D.M.B. (Dry Matter Basis)
Champaine Beef Race Diet was formulated to go with our regular race diet, without any concern of diet change problems. The ingredients are the same other than the chicken portion in the blue race diet being replaced with beef in the red bag race diet. A higher red meat content is preferred by some mushers, and it tends to be more palatable for dogs when they are racing under strenuous conditions.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-02
Location : Louisiana

trying a new raw diet and looking for thawing tips Empty
PostSubject: Re: trying a new raw diet and looking for thawing tips   trying a new raw diet and looking for thawing tips EmptyTue Nov 10, 2015 7:37 pm

Hmm. You could let it partially thaw and cut it into patties (or similar) and then portion those out and refreeze. Or you could partially thaw it and cut it into more manageable blocks to keep in the refrigerator for a few days at a time while you feed her off of it.

I do my own prey model so I make my own meals so I'm not sure how you would go about portioning out a huge 50lb block like that without having to thaw and cut it down, portion it out, and refreeze. An ice chest or bathtub would work well to thaw it in if you have an extra tub to spare. Wink

trying a new raw diet and looking for thawing tips Signat11
trying a new raw diet and looking for thawing tips O8Cmm5
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trying a new raw diet and looking for thawing tips

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