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 Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY

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Female Join date : 2013-10-16

Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY Empty
PostSubject: Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY   Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY EmptyFri Dec 13, 2013 2:05 pm

I'm seriously considering trying to re-home my boy due to a lack of space and energy to keep up with his exercise. He can't be kept in the house due to him terrorizing the cat. I won't take the chance of him hurting my cat, which came first. Because of this, he's only indoors when he's crated in my room at night and when he's loose in the house under supervision with the cat locked away. This isn't done as often as I'd like because he gets so restless so fast that he'd rather just go back out. I currently have two options: To re-home him or invest in a huge run outside and get another dog to keep him company, which would probably put me in a financial strain just to feed the two of them together.

Honestly, he's a sweet boy and there's nothing wrong with him. He was just put in a bad place. I got him at 6 months old and he had been kept in a tiny little kennel on a cement block his whole life. He actually came from an amazing breeder(Maskansas in Arkansas), but the people who took him didn't take care of him. He was loaded with roundworm and underweight and malnourished when I got him.

He's now up to date on everything, fixed, and worm free. He knows a few basic commands, like sit and lay down. He's got pretty good recall actually, unless he's distracted. As stated before, he's terrible with smaller pets, but he loves other dogs. He also loves kids since he was raised around them from a young age. He's technically housebroken, but he has some accidents here and there. He is crate trained and will go right in as soon as you open the door. He's good about letting me bathe him, not too patient about brushing or nail clipping, but an angel when it comes to brushing his teeth(we do this every night). He comes from a line of dogs all extensively health tested and his father was actually one point away from being a Canadian champ.  

I just want him to have better than what I can give him. I've been stressed about this so much lately. I'm not willing to put him in a rescue when he technically has a home here with us, so I'm specifically looking for someone who is willing to take him. I'd prefer an active family with others large dogs that he can rough house with. One without cats. I also require a rawhide free environment, silly as this sounds.

In case anyone is wondering, I did contact the breeder. She's happy with him staying with me, but gave me permission to re-home him or even sell him to make back his neutering fee. I would love a little bit for him, but not too much. I'm not looking to make any money here. If you or anyone you know is interested, please contact me!

Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY DSC03131_zps7ae799e7

Last edited by Elusive on Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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Female Join date : 2012-07-07
Location : Houston, TX

Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY   Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY EmptyFri Dec 13, 2013 8:49 pm

You can always foster him through a rescue (but he'll stay at your house) until someone adopts him. You won't get anything back though. They will do a good job of scanning applications to make sure he goes to the right home.

Putting him in a run outside will just make it worse. Huskies are pack animals and want to be with their pack. Some can handle being outside, but most don't. That's why a lot of them are good escape artists.

I'm not sure how much you exercise him, but exercising really helps curb bad behavior. It all depends on the personality of the dog though.

Good luck, wish I could take him. He's a gorgeous boy.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
Location : Nebraska

Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY   Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY EmptyFri Dec 13, 2013 9:50 pm

I am very surprised his breeder is letting you handle the rehoming of him on your own. But that is neither here nor there in this conversation.

There is nothing wrong with letting a rescue handle his rehoming. They have applications and contracts people must fill out in order to adopt a dog, and they know the "red flags" to look for. The way most rescues are run, at least around where I live, are through fosters. Meaning the dogs they rescue are placed in people's homes until they are adopted out; not in a caged environment. I would have a chat with the local Siberian rescue's (if there are any) near you to see what advice they have. You could also ask them to cross post for you and help you find an adopter.

I foster/rehome on my own, so if you are interested in doing this yourself, I have an application and contract you could take a look at if you are interested.

I will say though, you can only dictate so much of what you want in this new family. I dislike rawhides as well and will never give them to my pets; however, you really have no right to say, "You would be perfect for my dog, however you feed rawhides so you will not be considered". I am not trying to be a jerk, but after placing two fosters, I am giving you some "been there done that" advice. If I could have had things perfect with the two males I placed, I would have required homes where they get walked 2-3 times a day, get titered instead of yearly vaccinations, where they are not subjected to topical flea/tick treatment, a home that is more holistic then conventional...the list could go on. However, I had to put aside my PERSONAL beliefs and look for the home that was most fitting for the dog.

Good luck in finding his forever home, he is gorgeous.
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Male Join date : 2009-07-23
Location : Connecticut

Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY   Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY EmptyFri Dec 13, 2013 10:50 pm

I want him, but I can't. D:

It's a shame you have to let him go, but good luck and I hope you find a good home for him. Wink
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY   Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY EmptyFri Dec 20, 2013 1:40 pm

where in new york are you located? Is slightly possible I may be able to take him - we are in rural finger lakes, have recently acquired year old male from local shelter, I walk the dog twice a day - 3miles day, 2 -3 nights, most days of the week. I do not work. However, the dog would have to be compatible with my own - would only work if as a companion. I am not committing anything yet, husband has to be on board and I have to seriously consider all the ramifications (like, can I walk 2 dogs simultaneously - Ami (my beautiful, sweet beastie-boy) has landed me in the ditch on more than one occasion in his exuberance - he likes to roust out the voles in the weeds:) You can email me privately if you can figure out how to do that - I can't
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Trying to Re-home 1 Year Old Husky In NY

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