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 Most important show supplies!

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Tahvi's mom
Tahvi's mom

Female Join date : 2012-08-24
Location : Upstate NY

Most important show supplies! Empty
PostSubject: Most important show supplies!   Most important show supplies! EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 10:24 am

Hi everyone, I will be getting a 2 year old Siberian Husky hopefully next weekend. I will be co-owning a show quality male from Jessi Zirbel in Wisconsin...mind you, I am in Binghamton, this transport has been a tad difficult to arrange lol. I have not shown for about 12 years. When I did, I never got wholly into it because my children were small and I went through a divorce that changed everything for me. I have had Siberians for about 15 years now so I am not new to the breed.

I am going to wing it next month, shortly after Rio arrives, and enter the Hickories Circuit in Apalachin, NY. Here is my question.....What pieces of equipment are your most favorite "would not live without" items for grooming? I need equipment. We had a house fire last year that decimated everything I owned, as well as a rescue dog I owned. The old show grooming equipment (including table) is gone. I will be adding as I go since I'm starting at square one. So, for less than a month from now, what do you think I need. Please, what are your favorite combs and brushes as well?

Thank you all!

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Female Join date : 2012-11-01
Location : Spokane WA

Most important show supplies! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Most important show supplies!   Most important show supplies! EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 2:54 pm

High Velocity Drier and grooming table are items #1 and #2 on the show dog grooming list! My preference is the Chris Christensen Kool Dry since it is very light, small, and adapts to available amperage which is perfect for public grooming areas. Next you'll want a pin brush, straight comb, and undercoat rake. Stay away from items like the Furminator that strip and ruin the coat. A dremel nail tool is one item I cannot go to the shows without. I'd be happy to chat more about show supplies
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Saide's and Wash's Mom
Saide's and Wash's Mom

Female Join date : 2013-01-29
Location : Idaho

Most important show supplies! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Most important show supplies!   Most important show supplies! EmptySun Aug 18, 2013 8:36 pm

Hey I have a question. I will be getting a husky puppy soon (when ever the mom goes into heat) from show/ working lines. I don't think I am going to look at showing because I honestly would have no idea what I was doing. My issue is that my dogs have all had short coats and I don't really know the best way to take care of a husky coat. Any suggestions would be great.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
Location : Nebraska

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PostSubject: Re: Most important show supplies!   Most important show supplies! EmptySun Aug 18, 2013 8:52 pm

Like Lani stated, get yourself a good undercoat rake first and foremost. I use my rake more than anything. I also like to use the Kong ZoomGroom every once in awhile as that is what I use on my mix Kennedy. Get your puppy accustomed to grooming right away. Get a soft slicker brush and brush him/her everyday. Get your puppy used to have it's fuzzy butt chaps and tail touched. I brush my pack out every couple of days, with a good blowout on the weekends. I also take my whole pack to a self grooming salon and do the full works every single month. Some people only bathe as necessary, so it's really up to you and your dog. Sheba, for instance, cannot go more than two months without the full bath. If we do, her coat gets VERY greasy and dandruffy. Make sure you use professional, diluted shampoo Smile. Other then that, the husky coat is very easy to take care of.

NO SHAVING, EVER! That's the only rule.

My personal one rule is NO FURMINATORS!! EVER!
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Saide's and Wash's Mom
Saide's and Wash's Mom

Female Join date : 2013-01-29
Location : Idaho

Most important show supplies! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Most important show supplies!   Most important show supplies! EmptySun Aug 18, 2013 10:07 pm

Thank you for your response I had heard about the shaving part before. I had heard some good things about furminators why do you dislike them? Also do you have any shampoos you would recomend? I plan on asking my breeder what she does to take care of her dogs because they are in great shape but I really enjoy getting more info and learning more.

The starting right away is a great sugestion. I have a foster puppy they said she was a husky mix but she had a pretty short doubble coat so its been easy but we got her when she was 4 months old and she is so easy to clip her nails or clean her ears. My older dog is a lot more of a drama queen about it. She was a little over a year old when I met her and you can really tell the differance.
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Female Join date : 2012-11-01
Location : Spokane WA

Most important show supplies! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Most important show supplies!   Most important show supplies! EmptyMon Aug 19, 2013 6:05 pm

I prefer EZ Groom Crystal White shampoo for the regular washing. Alpha White for the stains. And Dawn Dish Soap for the REALLY bad dirt and stain needs. I usually dilute the shampoos and add tea tree oil for flea/tick repellant. If the stain is really bad I'll use the concentrate.

For an appropriate Siberian coat you need a brush that has at least a 1" tooth to get to the skin, remove the undercoat, and stimulate healthy hair growth. The Furminator does not have an adequate tooth to reach the skin, it is actually a stripping blade and it will cut the guard hair. In some cases this hair will never regrow properly and the coat is ruined.
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Saide's and Wash's Mom
Saide's and Wash's Mom

Female Join date : 2013-01-29
Location : Idaho

Most important show supplies! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Most important show supplies!   Most important show supplies! EmptyTue Aug 20, 2013 12:36 am

I have never heard of using dish soap on a dogs coat. Can I just say I love learning new things. And I think I will take your advice with the tea tree oil although I am kind of lucky where I live fleas and ticks are not an issue, unless you go a ways out of town. Something about our climate can't support them. I was stoked when my vet told me I didn't have to worry about that unless we go hiking in the mountains. Or move out of town.

Thank you for all the advice when I get my pup I am sure I will have a ton of questions for you guys.
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Most important show supplies!

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