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 Picky eating

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Male Join date : 2012-06-19
Location : Las Vegas

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PostSubject: Picky eating   Picky eating EmptyThu Aug 22, 2013 11:09 pm

So Lycus has been EXTREMELY picky with his food lately. I know he is physically okay because he had a check up at the vet this last weekend and everything was okay. He had even gained 10lbs because he was skinny due to his anemia. Thankfully that is completely clear but this last week he hasn't wanted to touch his kibble unless he has to.

While I was gone in Mexico for 3 weeks, I know my brothers didn't crate him all the time and he got into their house food twice. That was about a week after I left. Since then he hasn't touched house food.

I think he is holding out for house food now. I can tell he's hungry because I ask him "are you hungry" and he gets really excited until he sees that it's kibble and just ignores it and lays back down.

I'm currently feeding him Blue Buffalo Wilderness Chicken recipe. He usually scarfs down his food in seconds and now he takes his time eating it. Even when he was anemic he would eat his food without hesitation. He's gone from eating about 4 1/2 cups a day to about 2-21/2.

Aaaaand as I'm typing this post he just threw up all his food....

Any thoughts?
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Resident Nutritional Bookworm

Female Join date : 2009-06-23
Location : Huntsville, AL

Picky eating Empty
PostSubject: Re: Picky eating   Picky eating EmptyFri Aug 23, 2013 6:10 am

I wouldn't worry, like you said it sounds like he's holding out for something better. Even at his current amount, it sounds like plenty.

Picky eating Summer10
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Female Join date : 2013-05-26
Location : Michigan

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PostSubject: Re: Picky eating   Picky eating EmptyFri Aug 23, 2013 2:39 pm

The only time Okami had a picky food fit, it was because I couldn't get her to take her anti-parasite meds, and dummy me thought it would be a great idea to put it in her food and maybe she would scarf it without noticing.... They were the only thing left in the bowl Picky eating 1625187496 ( I eventually got her to eat them when I covered them in peanut butter.

Anyways! She started not eating. In fear I put something nasty in the bowl again is my guess. So what I did, I put her food out like normal, and I would leave it out for 30 minutes. And every time she turned her nose up to it of course. For about 2 and a half days, she didn't eat anything... but I wasn't giving in. I would only leave it out for that half an hour and then she wouldn't see food again till feeding time, and then on the second day, she scarfed it down and I haven't had an issue since.
Any time I notice her having tiny hissy fits over the food, I dump tiny bits on the floor. I have no idea why that worked, I think it has something to do with a huskies "No crumb left behind!!!" neat freak mentality.
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Female Join date : 2010-01-15
Location : Massachusetts

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PostSubject: Re: Picky eating   Picky eating EmptyMon Aug 26, 2013 6:17 pm

Ugh I have this problem with Kaia. I was feeding her evo, then there was the big recall. So I tried two other foods eukanuba wild (or something) fish flavored so I thought she eat it right up, she didn't tough it. Then I had a sample bag of biljac which just came out with a grain free and she loved it but it was mushy and kept getting stuck in her teeth/lips, and that's not good for her teeth so I splurged and bought Origen which she again mowed on! About halfway thru the bag she got completely disinterested and didn't eat for like 3 days...and I know very one says scheduled meal times will show her that I'm the boss and she should eat when I provide it...ya theory that's great but 3 days later still nothing! So I went and bought tractor supply whitefish, she loved it! And again halfway thru this bag she kept sniffing behind the food container guessed it...the Origen! So I put some On top of her TSC...she picked out all the Origen....then just last night she ate the leftover TSC! So in other words I think she's just bored and I'll continue to mix them til they're both gone and then IDK...I'll have to see what to buy! Lol
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