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 Husky attachment issues

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Join date : 2013-07-15

Husky attachment issues Empty
PostSubject: Husky attachment issues   Husky attachment issues EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 12:37 pm

I have a 3 month old Husky who is doing well with all her training other then her mass affinity with me! Anytime I crate her during the day or at night she is completely fine (unless she is in a super hyper mood) However, the moment I am no longer in view she will throw a fit. This includes me going to the bathroom or getting a drink in the middle of the night (her crate is in my room)

My girlfriend lives with us as well but due to her work schedule isn't around enough and her being in the room makes no difference. She cries until I return. I dont want her to be attached to just one person. Is having others spending more and more time with her the only answer?

We are going on vacation this week and she will be staying at a friends house for 5 days. I'm worried she will go nuts in her crate due to me not being around.. Any ideas?

PS. Whats strange is its only when I am not in view while she is in her crate. If she is free and I'm not around she doesn't care one bit..
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Female Join date : 2013-07-07
Location : New Hampshire

Husky attachment issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky attachment issues   Husky attachment issues EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 1:32 pm

Ours does something kinda similar, just not as intense. I've found turning on the radio helps calm her down much quicker. Best of luck!
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Female Join date : 2012-11-03
Location : San Antonio, TX

Husky attachment issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky attachment issues   Husky attachment issues EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 1:38 pm

It could be separation you cover the crate when you leave? Is she fed in the crate? Does she have something in the crate that smells like you?
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Join date : 2013-07-15

Husky attachment issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky attachment issues   Husky attachment issues EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 2:15 pm

cinnamonbits wrote:
It could be separation you cover the crate when you leave? Is she fed in the crate? Does she have something in the crate that smells like you?

She is fed in there and gets special crate only treats as well. Actually when she gets one those treats, especially something that takes longer to eat she could care less where I am. But the moment the treat is gone.. Back to crying.

I have not tried something that smells like me, I'll give it a shot. I'm wondering if she is assuming that if I am not in visible sight she thinks I'm going to work, thus she will be crated for awhile? I let her out on my entire lunch hour but she is crated for 4 hours during that time then a couple more after til i'm off work.
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Female Join date : 2012-11-05

Husky attachment issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky attachment issues   Husky attachment issues EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 2:17 pm

i just asked a similar question b/c ours basically sleeps in her crate fine and is quiet as a mouse during the day when we're gone but if im home and i crate her she NON STOP barks. SHe also does it if im in another room and she can see me but cannot get to me b/c of baby gates. best of luck with this- im goonna have to follow this thread.
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Join date : 2013-07-15

Husky attachment issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky attachment issues   Husky attachment issues EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 2:29 pm

KibaHope wrote:
i just asked a similar question b/c ours basically sleeps in her crate fine and is quiet as a mouse during the day when we're gone but if im home and i crate her she NON STOP barks. SHe also does it if im in another room and she can see me but cannot get to me b/c of baby gates. best of luck with this- im goonna have to follow this thread.

I am quite curious to know how much/how long she cries when I do leave the house and nobody is home at all. She starts to fuss as I'm leaving if she has no special treat and she is quiet when I come home for a good few minutes before I release her.

I need a camera.. or sit outside quietly for awhile and listen for awhile.
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Female Join date : 2012-11-05

Husky attachment issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky attachment issues   Husky attachment issues EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 2:53 pm

Well it was easy for us to figure out that during the day she's quiet because our house is very small and so every day i come home and let her out during lunch and would stop and listen before entering the house. She wouldnt make a peep. in the afternoon when i would come home from work it was the same thing- dead quiet. As soon as she hears me turn the door knob she starts whining and i can hear it through the door. When i leave in the morning she stops barking when she hears the door shut. I guess its just a testament to how loud she is that i didnt have to have a camera or anything to figure it out lol
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

Husky attachment issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky attachment issues   Husky attachment issues EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 3:04 pm

I set up a webcam when I first brought my little guy home. I have to leave for work around 7 am, so I was concerned he would cry and wake up the whole apartment building. He usually would cry about a half hour and then fall asleep. Now that he's older, he stays awake, but doesn't cry at all in his crate unless he has to go to the bathroom. Have you read the crate training stuff on the site? Do you let her out or give her attention when she cries? If you do, you're just going to teach her that crying will get her what she wants. She might not worry as much about your girlfriend, because she is used to her coming and going and isn't concerned about it. I would work to set up the same expectation with you. My hubby works from home, and Dizzy never cries during the day when my hubby comes and goes, but when I get home, he starts crying. He knows its walk and dinner time. Smile Also, make sure you leave really clear directions for the people she is staying with while you are gone. 5 days could easily undo all your progress.
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Join date : 2013-07-15

Husky attachment issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky attachment issues   Husky attachment issues EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 4:09 pm

wpskier222 wrote:
I set up a webcam when I first brought my little guy home. I have to leave for work around 7 am, so I was concerned he would cry and wake up the whole apartment building. He usually would cry about a half hour and then fall asleep. Now that he's older, he stays awake, but doesn't cry at all in his crate unless he has to go to the bathroom. Have you read the crate training stuff on the site? Do you let her out or give her attention when she cries? If you do, you're just going to teach her that crying will get her what she wants. She might not worry as much about your girlfriend, because she is used to her coming and going and isn't concerned about it. I would work to set up the same expectation with you. My hubby works from home, and Dizzy never cries during the day when my hubby comes and goes, but when I get home, he starts crying. He knows its walk and dinner time. :)Also, make sure you leave really clear directions for the people she is staying with while you are gone. 5 days could easily undo all your progress.

Nope, I ignore her and wait out her fits before she is let out. Its just a visual issue right now. If im upstairs and she is crated she is totally fine in her crate. If I go down stairs.. She begins to cry. As soon as I come back upstairs and sit down shes content again.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

Husky attachment issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky attachment issues   Husky attachment issues EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 4:55 pm

Honestly, to me, it sounds like something she'll grow out of. My little guy did and he loves his crate now. No argument when I leave for work. I have a really big nylabone for him to chew on, but he rarely uses it, he just kinda hangs out and watches the cats run around then falls asleep.
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Female Join date : 2013-03-30
Location : South Carolina

Husky attachment issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky attachment issues   Husky attachment issues EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 11:28 pm

Mila was that way for a while. We crated her at night and if I put her in her crate and then walked out of the room she would pitch a fit, even if my husband was in the room with her. We've had issues with leaving her on and off since we got her. They were WAAYYY worse when we got her and now we can leave her un crated for an hour or two. If I have to go to the store or go ride my horse while my husband is at work I will leave her at home not in her crate and she's totally fine. When we first got her, I couldn't even walk into the other room for literally 5 seconds without her going crazy. Now she whines if she's crated while we are home. If I crate her at night for whatever reason, she whines and digs and bites at the door the WHOLE night, and her crate is in our bedroom. But when she goes in her crate and I leave for work she's fine. I've come to the conclusion that she's just a brat. She also was never properly crate trained to begin with (long before we got her) and I honestly just haven't bitten the bullet to re train her yet. Lucky for you, trips, your pup is much younger than mine and will probably grow out of it.
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Female Join date : 2013-07-05
Location : New Castle, Delaware

Husky attachment issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky attachment issues   Husky attachment issues EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 4:19 am

Before I got my first cage for Nashoba I had her kept on a 6'ft lead tied to my bed at night (when she was 13 weeks old). She would be fine all night till I woke up in the morning and went to the bathroom. She would howl and bark, even poop and when I came back she would stop. She still dose the barking and howling if shes hyper and ready to go for a run, but most the time shes pretty good. She will however rip up anything she can get a hold of unless I'm right there.. or shes tired. The best advise I can say is get some little treats and every time you go away, give her a treat as soon as you come back. This is what I did with my dog and it calmed her down a lot. Good luck and shes really pretty.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-20
Location : Toronto, Ontario

Husky attachment issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky attachment issues   Husky attachment issues EmptyThu Jul 25, 2013 6:30 pm

My guy does the same. Can't handle being in his crate if we are not in the house. But has no problem with sleeping in his crate without being able to see us! I think this is because he knows we are just in the bedroom. We give him access to the apartment while we are away. He howls on and off, but recently has started peeing on the couch so I think we are going to have to reconsider the crate or at least confinement in a smaller area. Sad It's been a stressful week.

PS. we use Skype to spy on Gus. Skype has a feature where you can automatically pickup incoming calls. We put headphones in the headphone jack so that he can't hear the ringing too Razz
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