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 What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day

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Canadian Sunrise

Female Join date : 2012-10-29
Location : Montreal, Canada

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PostSubject: What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day   What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 12:09 pm

So this day last year, we had arranged for a meet up with Tori to pick up Ripley (named Feather at the time)
We had an SUV rented for the next day and plans to meet at a dog park in order to foster her until we could find her a forever home. While her gotcha day is techinically tomorrow, I figured we'd had her 365 days, I could post this today Smile

I won't say we failed, because even though the foster failed, I cant beleive how successful her first year with us has been.

I just finished rereading the rescue mission thread, I remember the state we got her in, she was timid, had terrible teeth, nails, fur and manners!
We began the training right away to stop her begging (she will still relapse if you have something particularly yummy, like pistaschios) She has completely stopped counter surfing and she is so good with the cat and Tika. That being said, the work was not ours alone, she has developed into a more confident dog, one who now respects boundaries and who no longer cowers from men. Her tail is almost always wagging, and she has to be one of the happiest dogs I have ever known.

We recently had her at a huge family gathering, and despite stealing a few chips from little kids who dropped them, she showed us how far shes come when she stayed away from the food, even though it was well within reach and there were loads of options, she allowed our little cousins to play, squeeze, hug, kiss and climb on her and she greeted everyone respectfully with no jumping. I was so proud of my Big Girl that day.

She was a chubby 55 pounds when we got her, now at 58 pounds, she is much more muscular and can run for several kilometers before calling it quits. She loves, adores and protects TIka always, at the dog park she keeps an eye out if Tika is getting bullied. I have seen her check a Bermese Mountain Dog who was chasing Tika playfully because she thought he was picking on her. After we changed her food, there was such a difference in her teeth, energy and coat. It was like night and day. Even in a few short months, my parents couldnt beleive it was the same dog. My dad is a bit of a dog elitist in that he doesnt like mutts, but Ripley stole his heart so quickly, and he cant leave either of them without ear scratches and cuddles.
While it took her a while to warm up to Chris (and longer even for strange men) now most evenings are not complete in her mind without some serious cuddling on the couch.
I could go on all day about what a difference it has been, but its pointless. We called it at the 2-3 month mark and admitted she was staying with us forever. We couldn't bear to separate her and Tika, who seem to be soul mates, and I was unable to even write out an adoption email without crying. She has become a huge part of our family and wormed her way into our hearts completely.

So in short, here is Ripley's year in pictures. You can see the progression in her physique and coat.
The day she got to Tori's house
What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day Rip910

A few weeks after we got her:
What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day Rip211
What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day Rip711
What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day Rip610

Rip and Tika becoming inseparable
What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day Vaudre10

This fall, already a huge change in her coat
What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day Rip810

After her Christmas day scrap with another rescue dog
What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day Rip510

Everyone getting along <3
What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day Rip410

Letting us dress her up for the MS Walk
What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day Rip10

A hike with a few friends this past weekend
What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day Rip310

Finally, my derpy big girl
What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day Rip1010

I love you my Big Girl, no matter how long we get you for, I will never regret telling Chris to call Tori and say we'd take You. You have become one of the sweetest dogs I have ever known, with your old soul eyes and your waggy tail.
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Female Join date : 2012-07-11
Location : Berwyn, IL

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PostSubject: Re: What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day   What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 12:20 pm

Happy gotcha day, Ripley! It's amazing to see the changes in her from that first day!
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Ms. Amicable

Female Join date : 2009-05-20
Location : Glenville, NY

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PostSubject: Re: What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day   What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 12:41 pm

Happy Gotcha Day, Ripley!

She stole everyone's heart. I remember the ride up and there she was in the back of my car, with her head resting on the seats, and my heart was breaking. I met you guys and knew right away you'd be wonderful parents for her and was praying so hard that you'd keep her. I felt so guilty that I couldn't hold onto her indefinitely until I found her her forever home. After I left, biting back tears, I called Meredith on the ride back sobbing. She almost made me pull over Razz

What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day Imag0110

I can't wait to see her again someday! I might love her ALMOST as much as you do!

It's a husky thing... you wouldn't understand.

What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day Hailey10
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

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PostSubject: Re: What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day   What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 12:42 pm

Aw! I love the MS pic, she looks concerned lol! She looks so much happier and healthier now. She looked sick in that first pic. Smile Congrats!
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Female Join date : 2013-04-13
Location : UK

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PostSubject: Re: What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day   What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 12:51 pm

Happy gotcha day Ripley x

She has gone from rough looking scruffy to gorgeous girly I love you
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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

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PostSubject: Re: What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day   What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 12:51 pm

Happy Gotcha Day Rip!!!!

she looks so good now, you 2 have taken great care of her to get her where she is today. i remember reading the post of are you gonna keep her yet like every week after you got her!

What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day Iaht10
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Female Join date : 2012-01-29
Location : Broken Arrow, OK

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PostSubject: Re: What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day   What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 12:58 pm

Happy Gotcha day Ripley.. She is a real beauty.. I can see how you have fallen so in love with her..

Many many more gotcha days girl..
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The Long-Winded Canadian

Male Join date : 2011-08-11
Location : Montreal, QC

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PostSubject: Re: What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day   What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 1:15 pm

Thanks all Wink

wpskier222 wrote:
Aw! I love the MS pic, she looks concerned lol! She looks so much happier and healthier now. She looked sick in that first pic. Smile Congrats!

To be fair I believe she was recently bathed in that first picture.

When Tori picked her up she was real dirty, so She cleaned her up for us. She looks worse than she was in it because she was still damp I'm guessing. Her fur was course though, like straw, and she had massive hot spots on her belly.

It's amazing what a bit of structured exercise and not eating Gravy Train can do for you.

We'll call it concerned then LoL.... She always just looks confused to me Razz


Is this about the cake problem? What's the matter with you mathematicians, cake is never a problem. - Professor Lazlo
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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

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PostSubject: Re: What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day   What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 1:23 pm

Happy gotcha day Ripley! She looks so much better now!
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Resident Nutritional Bookworm

Female Join date : 2009-06-23
Location : Huntsville, AL

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PostSubject: Re: What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day   What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 1:27 pm

Happy gotcha day, Ripley, you're one lucky girl!

What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day Summer10
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Male Join date : 2012-06-19
Location : Las Vegas

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PostSubject: Re: What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day   What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 1:51 pm

Happy gotcha day, Ripley!
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Canadian Sunrise

Female Join date : 2012-10-29
Location : Montreal, Canada

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PostSubject: Re: What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day   What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 2:02 pm

Thank you all!
To me the biggest difference I see is from the 3rd photo where shes walking to the one in the leaves. You can just tell the huge difference in her coat. Like Chris said she had aweful hot spots and now they are gone. Her fur went from dry and coarse to fluffy and softer.

She really surprised us by becoming the best fit for our home. She absolutly loves her morning runs and her afternoon walks. Not to mention, weekend hikes in the woods. We also couldn't be happier with how well her and Tika get along.
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Female Join date : 2011-07-01
Location : Denver, CO

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PostSubject: Re: What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day   What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 4:21 pm

Happy Gotcha Day, Ripley!

I remember that process quite well, including the tearful call from Tori while she was trying to drive home. You guys have done an amazing job with her, and the difference is absolutely striking. I'm so glad she found you guys, and it was so neat to see how the forum came together to get her home.

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"Being the parent of a special-needs pet means living your life constantly poised on the edge of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you become a fierce defender of the ways in which your little one is perfectly ordinary — all the things he or she can do that are just like what everybody else does. And yet, you never lose sight of how absolutely extraordinary that very ordinariness is, how difficult, remarkable and rewarding that fight to be 'just like everybody else' has been."  -Gwen Cooper, "Homer's Odyssey"

Shadow - 03/01/2013 - 10/02/2014

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PostSubject: Re: What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day   What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 5:40 pm

Happy gotcha day Rip!
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What a difference a year can make - Ripley's Gotcha Day

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